Sunday, May 2, 2010

Get ready, it's coming

It’s Coming!
(by R.P.Edwards)

It’s coming is sure
It’s coming…is true
It’s coming…is personal
It’s coming…for you
The wise see it coming
The wise one…prepares
And in his preparing
Tells others…beware!

The other day I turned on the tube and resurrected some shows we had recorded.  Among these was “Huckabee,” and, this night, one of the former governor’s  guests was…Franklin Graham.  I offhandedly mentioned to my wife, “It won’t be long…he’ll share the gospel.  He always does.  If the segment is long, or short, the “good news” will be out there.”  And so it was.  Maybe four or five times.

I remember as a kid how watching Franklin’s famous dad, Billy, had an effect on me.  Back in those days his crusades would show up from time to time as a “special.”  He’d be in a stadium somewhere, and he’d share the simple message…God loves us, but our sin keeps us apart and destines us for hell.  But, because of His great love, He sent his son, Jesus, who paid, on the cross, the penalty “we” deserve.  And, since he paid our debt, all we need do is accept this gift; accept “Him” as Savior and Lord, and surrender ourselves to Him.  In other words: believe.  An even simpler version is summed up in perhaps the most famous scripture of all; John 3:16.

Anyway, sure enough, within a sentence or two…the gospel was given.  And yes, there was discussion of the pentagon “snub,” and media bias against Christians, and how “believing” something, by it’s very nature, means you “don’t” believe something else; but, through it all, his focus always returned…to the gospel. 

Maybe it’s because, dear reader, he sees it coming.  The “it” being the personal, inevitable, passing of each of us from this life…to the next.  Think about it; death is coming.  Whether the road is long, or short, it is coming.  Your personal demise…is homed in on you (and me, naturally) and coming.  Sure, we’ll busy ourselves with projects, and programs, and even politics.  But all these will be as nothing…when it comes.  And…the only solution for “it”…is the one provided by the one who conquered “it” on a rugged cross.
So Franklin…keep it up.  Your message, ultimately, is the only one that matters.

That’s what I think.  How about you? Click comments below…and say.

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