Thursday, April 22, 2010

If Lincoln picked a Jurist

One honest word
(by R.P.Edwards)

Just one word to clarify
To make the meaning…stand
No more vague peripheries
Or spinning slight of hand
No more ‘round the edges
With winks and verbal cues
A simple word…in honesty
That’s what we need…from you

Mr. Lincoln had only been president a very short time and, incredibly, as half the nation recoiled in disgust (preparing to secede) and the other rejoiced with the election of a “one of us” candidate who had no problem putting the “slave” owner in his place; the tall and lanky former log splitter, just moments after his inaugural speech, was called upon to fill an unexpected Supreme Court vacancy caused by the wayward kick of a most disagreeable army mule.  On this spring day, in the oval office, he met with Senate leaders in preparation for the “pick.”  In an unusual move to promote openness and transparency the chief executive allowed a few representatives of the press into the room.  “Mr. President!” said the well-dressed gentleman from the Richmond Examiner; “Mr. President, are you willing to pick a justice who believes Americans have the right to choose…slavery?”  The new leader looked at his fellow “leaders” and, pausing to reflect on the national hemorrhaging, he then replied, “Well, as other presidents have stated, I don’t have a ’litmus test’ when it comes to the judiciary.  I naturally want one who respects the constitution and the tenets found therein.”  FOUR YEARS LATER:  The war-weary commander-in-chief is again called upon to pick a Supreme Court justice.  In this brief span he had endured, not only the untimely death of his son, Willie, but the pressing knowledge of the hundreds of thousands--on both sides--cut down in their prime, not to mention the millions affected by the loss of manhood’s bloom.  As before, the press is allowed in and, in a most magnanimous move, the same fellow from the Confederate Capital is allowed audience.  He poses the same question.  This time, however, the response is less oblique.  “Will I consider a pro-slavery justice to grace the bench?!” said the graying elder as he locked eyes with the standing (and guarded) representative of the “Old South.”  “Will I consider a anti-freedom candidate to put on the sacred robes?” he adds, standing and reaching for his black overcoat.  “No! Never! Not now…or ever will I consider placing a judge who is so corrupt as to think that owning, oppressing, debasing, raping, wounding and murdering another human being is somehow found in our “inalienable rights!” Now, away with this man! and tell general Grant to press, press, press! Until all remnants of this vile institution are removed from this sacred, God-given republic!”

The above fantasy was constructed after my eavesdropping awareness of the televised meeting of President Obama and his Senate leaders concerning--you guessed it--a supreme court pick.  One question was allowed; it concerned abortion, and the President used the weary line, “I don’t have litmus tests for any of these issues.”  Pleeease!  Let’s just be honest, shall we?  Of course he’ll pick a pro-abortion candidate!  Of course he won’t pick a pro-life jurist!  Why not say it?  Why not be honest?  Why not say…what we all know?

How about this for an option.  It’s called “finish the question,” or “add a word.”  Here’s how it works.  “Mr. President, do you believe, under the constitution, that a woman has a right to choose?”  “Choose what?”  “Do you believe a woman has a right to choose…Death?” “Death for whom?”  “Death for her unborn baby?” Or, how about this: “Mr. President, do you believe the unborn baby has a right to choose?”  “Choose what?”  “Choose life, Mr. President; Choose life.”

That’s what I think.  How about you?  Click comments below…and say.

1 comment:

Wesley Sargent said...

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" - Deuteronomy 30:19