The Classics
(by R.P.Edwards)
Old and hungry
Paid for!…true
Seen better years
Yes…quite a few
Not as pretty
Not as sleek
A door that squeaks
Replacement parts
A cheap gas ping
An old cassette
And Perry…sings
Yes, fancy fenders…pass us by
But we…are classics
Yes, you…and I
(by R.P.Edwards)
Old and hungry
Paid for!…true
Seen better years
Yes…quite a few
Not as pretty
Not as sleek
A door that squeaks
Replacement parts
A cheap gas ping
An old cassette
And Perry…sings
Yes, fancy fenders…pass us by
But we…are classics
Yes, you…and I
“Please stop, please stop,” the whispered pleadings of yours truly, standing next to a Missouri gas pump as our old ‘93 Buick was allowed (a very rare occurrence) to drink her fill. Finally, just past the half C-note spot…she burped.
Was up and about due my mate’s summons (“Will you do such and such?” “Yes, dear.”) So, I saddled the old eight cylinder…and we cruised. Deed done I decided to go to the next state (just over the river) and save some money on gas. Something magical about crossing the Mississippi…the tax burden lessens (guess the politicians aren’t as creative in the “Show Me” state.) Along for the ride…Perry Como.
Like most, I had been burned out on Christmas Music (after all, it started the day after Halloween) but, a few weeks back I was perusing the offerings at our local Salvation Army store…and there it was; Perry Como sings Christmas songs. How could I resist? And, surprisingly (to me, anyway) there were a couple songs on it I’d never heard before.
And so, as this week of earthquakes, killer whales, health care “ho hum and humbug,” ends, I, cruising in the “classic,” popped in a cassette and was reminded why we all need a “Christmas Dream.” Because “we need warm us, to calm us, to love us; we need warm us, to calm us, to love us; to help us to dream our Christmas Dream.”
That’s what I think. How about you? Click comments below…and say.