Friday, July 29, 2011

3 houses down

3 houses down
(by R.P.Edwards)

Three houses down
10 years apart
And laughter
And feasting of heart
Savor these moments
The hours
The years
For soon “you’ll” remember
As others…you hear

I was standing in front of the backyard grill.  Above the coals; burgers, brats and a few “plump when you cook them” wieners.  And, to my left, three houses down; wafting over the privacy fence; the sound of small children in joyful frolic and, mixed in with the squeals and laughter, older voices; no doubt the careful caregivers; monitoring the merry mayhem and perhaps, like I, shuffling some protein on the grill.

And I thought to myself, “Ten years.  What a difference ten years makes.” For, you see, a decade ago many of “my” children were the wee ones; bounding, splashing, laughing, as I, with less gray, shuffled the sizzling meat over the glowing Kingsford cubes.  Ten little years.  Ten little years…from “there”…to here.

However, this isn’t meant to be a somber piece.  Just a gentle reminder of the brevity of being. A reality check to bring to light our common illusion of mortal…immortality.  Yes, a centering to “what’s really important.” And…a little post-it note for the fridge to remind that eternal things…are the things…you don’t see.

Concerning the Book (upper right). A couple days left on the give-away.  Pertinent info can be found at the bottom of the previous post. 


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