Friday, October 31, 2014

Trick of Treat in Illinois

Stand for something!
(by R.P.Edwards)

Stand for something!
Make it known!
Speak the truth!
Convictions own!
Show your colors!
Set your sail!
Away with courses
Weak and frail!
Enough! Enough!
Of mild and meek!
Enough of cowards'
Middle seek!
It's time for purpose
Pure and right!
It's time for torches
In the night!
So stand for something!
And make it known!
And speak the truth!
Convictions own!

Halloween. The pumpkin(s), candy, costumes...the whole bit. True, not as much first hand antics as in times past (since most of my young'uns are grown), but there's the grandchild, and a couple of the older heirs do enjoy a dress-up (and scare) of the the "come to the door" marauders. And, an unfortunate continuance, I burned, yet again, the harvested pumpkin seeds. Oh well.

Of late I've been inundated with election-related "cards;" bold-face blurbs blasting one candidate or another. Usually I don't even give them a glance (since I am conservatively bent.) However, the "Libertarian" candidate for Illinois Governor pointed out something quite disturbing. His charge: that the Republican candidate for said office, Bruce Rauner, is pro-choice ( I checked it out on the web and, sadly, it seems so. I WILL NOT be voting for Mr. Rauner.

I mean really, Republican Party! You mean to tell me you can't offer someone who's more than just a "good businessman?" Listen, we, in this troubled state don't need another talented tycoon adding to the moral morass by woeful waffling! What we need is a smarty that is also a clear and courageous defender of "right and wrong!" I ask you, how hard is it to say that you believe babies have a right to be born, and that your Christian convictions say that the marriage of a man to a woman has a sacred and divine place? Sure, you can add that you're pro-people, and you'd be the governor of all, but for goodness sake STAND UP FOR WHAT'S RIGHT! 

And so, since compromise seems to be on the menu again, I will add to the division. I figure if we're going to be an immoral state...then let's go that direction...with gusto.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Serious Election

Not Serious we
(by R.P.Edwards)

Not serious are we
For serious things
Like marriage
And honor
And elections that bring
And so we shall reap
From unserious seeds
And dishonor
And a nation...that bleeds

As the election approaches I am painfully mindful: mindful of the ignorant; mindful of the oblivious, and devious; mindful of the dastardly and detached; mindful of the robed religious rogues and the acerbic academics; mindful of the "me first" media and the "do nothing" defenders. And, being mindful of "these," I realize that these, like "I," have the right and vote. 

But, I'm hopeful for the results a week from now. Hopeful for a more "baby-friendly" congress; a more "Israel-supporting" congress; a more "less of me" congress. Hopeful...for America. So, the "pray-ers" need to pray. And those who keep elections "honest," need to be ever vigilant. Of course, the ballot box will not "save" America, but a step in the right a step in the right direction.

And, in response to those in "high places" who show "low thinking" in regards to Israel; here's a reminder...


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Christian Voters Guide 2014 midterms

The Christian Claim
(by R.P.Edwards)

 "I'm a Christian"
Many claim
But is there "He"
Behind the name?

The local reporter paused a moment, searching for words as line upon line of, heretofore passive pew-sitters, entered the polling place to cast their sacred ballots to oust the "leaders" of San Antonio (and Houston!) in special elections that were carried into manifestation by a new and  not-to-be ignored moral majority.

"As I was saying," continued the seasoned teller, "its as if anyone who claimed the title of Christian suddenly became just the max. The story goes that this last Sunday a "divine" visitation was witnessed by all; a God-reality that--so I've been told--put every Christian believer on the same page. And these zealots--let's be honest here--all read and believe their Bible and, one of them told me, that means they ALL know that God hates abortion, and Gay marriage is unacceptable! And, from the looks of things, we're going to have new leadership not only in a couple of Texas towns...but all across this land. And although I can't explain it, it seems the Christian Church is, perhaps like never before...a force to be reckoned with.

As a Union Steelworker (my day job) I am often subject to gentle persuasions that urge me to vote for the "working man's" friend...the "whatever he or she is running for" democrat. As a Bible Believing Christian, I filter these recommendations accordingly.

The other day, as I approached the clock-in gate, I was greeted by a friendly gent who was running for congress. After the flesh was pressed I asked the question: "What are your thoughts on the life issue? Are you pro-choice?" After he gave me the usual, "It's up to the mother, and her spiritual adviser, and her doctor" answer I condensed his view and said, "You're pro-abortion," and walked away. 

It's really pretty simple: as a Bible-believing Christian I know that God hates the innocent being murdered (including and especially children). Thus, my road to decide who to vote for begins here. And, although I have voted for pro-life democrats in the past; these days they are very hard to find.

I'll not go on and on; but let me conclude by saying, I KNOW that the God of the God. And I KNOW that He has blessed this nation. And I KNOW that turning from Him brings and is bringing needful consequence. But, at the same time, I also know that multiplied thousands of Americans claim the title of Christian. And this causes me to wonder: what if "we," miraculously, for once!, united in our desire to "do thy will"? Could this turnabout delay the judgement that surely must be brewing? I dearly hope so. But in the meantime, and regardless of what my fellow Christ-claimers may do,  I'll not cast my blood-bought ballot for anyone who says the murder of the acceptable.



Friday, October 17, 2014

No Tyrants allowed

To Tyrants
(by R.P.Edwards)

Your power, sir
Is just on loan
So careful make
Your rules
For though your strength
You think your own
The voters
Are not fools

It should make every semi-conscious American's blood boil; elected officials abusing their power. Yes, those who gained their "position" by garnering support from WE THE PEOPLE, betraying the trust of the same.

The mayor of Houston, and her minions, don't like the idea of "pastors" possibly preaching (gasp!) the Bible. So, they issued subpoenas demanding sermons and communications for examination by these of a different faith (which, frankly, is exactly the case).

What caused the hubbub? A controversial ordinance that was shoved down the peoples throat having to do with unsavory (to many, most even) actions by gender-shifters. An ordinance that purposely bypassed the process of public endorsement.

Speaking as a liberty-loving American, I dearly hope that liberals and conservatives alike rise and go through the steps to throw these "bullies" out of office. Whatever your leaning, let us join together and make sure "tyrants" are not allowed to sully our sacred seats.

Here's a link that tells a bit more: Houston bullies pastors

PS: The above video is an encouragement for "believers" to vote their faith in the upcoming midterms.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hamilton's Child

They may be called by other things

But what they really are…they’re kings

(from the Song, American Kings, by R.P.Edwards)

Whoever attentively considers the different departments of power must perceive, that, in a government in which they are separated from each other, the judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them.      From Federalist Paper #78,  Alexander Hamilton                                                                   


           “Another letter from Mr. Jefferson,” said the courier, a middle-aged, uniformed, somewhat hobbled veteran due to the conflict a decade past, as he delivered yet another message from the current ambassador to France.

            “Thank you,” said Alexander Hamilton as he reached and grabbed reflexively, barely taking his eyes from the parchment where he was writing, ironically, Federalist paper #78.

            As the attendant could be heard shuffling down the main hallway the statesman opened the correspondence and scanned the eloquent words sent by the author of the Nation’s birth certificate.  After a minute of study the paper was placed to the side and, as he continued his needful essay he muttered a response to the very distant Jefferson. “A wayward judiciary? Too powerful? Potential tyrants? Ridiculous. It would be impossible, old friend. Impossible. The people would not stand for it.”


“Irreversible,” that was the word I heard this October eve from a Fox commentator as to the inevitability of “gay marriage,” due to the “action” and “inaction” of the judiciary. The will of the people be damned. And, from past observation I know this individual (who I rather like) is sympathetic to the cause; being one of the “if two people truly love each other,” crowd. 

However, as I’ve said before (more than once I suppose), the “institution” is far more than an emotional linkage; it finds its roots in “Thus saith the Lord,” and, as such, to tamper with the definition is to, once again, call our great benefactor…a liar. And that, dear reader, is to invite disaster.

But, aside from the muddying of the “sacred institution” the underlying tragedy is, once again, that the Judiciary has taken on powers that (if Mr Hamilton’s writings mean anything) the founders could not have imagined. Heaven only knows what it will take to reverse this trend.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Benjamin Netanyahu and the UN

Netanyahu UN 2014
(by R.P.Edwards)

When one misstep 
Means all is lost
Your words are few
You KNOW the cost
And so you try
To share your sight
Of evil's goal
The coming night
And so you speak
To covered ears
 Perchance to wake
A reasoned fear
Of future truths
A grisly gist
The price of pause
The window missed
And so relay
The have-tos path
To stem the storm
To blunt the wrath
Before the flash
And certain death
Removes the skeptic's
Way and breath
And so with words
You tell the loss
To change the steps 
And count...the cost

Happened to hear the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu's, speech to the UN the other day (well, I didn't just HAPPEN to hear it. I heard it was coming, and waited, expectantly, for it). He did not disappoint.

There was no mincing of words. He laid out the scenario (yes, using persuasive asides and tie-ins) that led to the gist of the speech...which was: Iran getting the nuke would bring dire consequences. 

Think about it for just a moment. Of course it would!  Knowing the mindset of the "I'll kill you if you don't convert or agree" element that has a prominent place in Islam....of course it would! In fact, it's absolutely insane to think otherwise!  And, to somehow think the "I hate Israel" crowd, thus armed, would not be emboldened to follow through on their evil heart's desire; this too is in the realm of lunacy. And, if I may, to think a nuclear Israel will sit idly by while "we" hem and haw and do nothing; this too calls for psychological evaluation.

Anyway, it's time to get serious and I hope the words of the warrior will stir some to action. The speech is linked above for those interested, along with a side of Huckabee; a potential President who seems to understand the times we live in, and is a staunch, STAUNCH supporter of Israel.
