Thursday, August 25, 2016

America, Great again

What we can
(by R.P.Edwards)

Some do this
Some do that
Some give thin
Some give fat
Some are cool
Others hot
Some will run
Others trot
Some consumed
Others taste
Some choose steady
Others haste
But ALL believers
We ALL contribute
What we can

Made a pro-Trump video (above, click link below photo). It's something I can do. No, not Hollywood, but not bad for a steelworker. 

I've written about the Donald before; my transition. No, he hasn't passed the "perfect" test, but I believe he'll do more to the good than the alternative.  

So, I support him. Without apology. And, of course, I'll be praying for the election and Mr Trump in particular (although offerings on behalf of HC are also in order [a Christian thing]). 

And, I hope my little song encourages.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Naysayers

The Naysayers
(by R.P.Edwards)

Just like clockwork
They raise their voice
Disrupting drones
Attacking choice
They invade the rally
And yell their "few"
But ignoring "them"
Is what we do
And I wonder why
They act that way
No doubt, for many
They're there for pay
But their annoying push
Their master "plan"
Just builds resolve
To elect "the man."

I caught the tail end of Donald Trump's economic speech in Detroit. Flipped through the channels, and there it was. "Man, I wanted to see that," says I. "Oh well, I can always catch it on YouTube after a while."

"It's probably there now," says my savvy 15 year old who was computer occupied. 

And so it was.

Now, as a laid off Union Steelworker this pro-America communication was indeed welcome. But, it was not all "Ahh" and "Amen" in the audience. No, there was a smattering of discontent interspersed among the faithful and I suspect these were not passionate singles; but rather compensated drones. "Go there. Do this. Say that."

And I wonder; what do they wish to accomplish? For, dear reader, instead of driving me away from the Donald; their anarchist antics...push me towards.

BTW, please notice the new novel on the right sidebar (SIR JOHN & THE QUEST OF PROVING). A Christian/fantasy/Allegory: Check it out!


Monday, August 1, 2016

The Art of the Spiel

Lies Perfected
(by R.P.Edwards)

Practice makes perfect
It's true here as well
To speak like an angel
Though the lie is from hell

I DIDN'T want to watch it--I usually fast forward, or mute, or pause and then scoot past--but I thought it might be helpful, informative. So, after a little internal debate, I went to "start over" and did so. Truthfully, my gut was a bit perturbed at the initial intake but, over time, I grew to admire the skillful manipulation of the language. Truly a professional. 

I write, of course, of a recent interview involving a certain Presidential nominee who is NOT Donald Trump. 

But, I'll not pile on the former Secretary of State, other than to say that Mr Trump could learn a thing or two from the pearl merchant. So careful. So crafty. So cool under fire. Yes, the Billionaire who is used to speaking his mind (and we love him for it!) he would be wise to observe the opposition and incorporate just a hint of her expertise. Except, of course, we need truth. 
