Scripture Roulette
(by R.P.Edwards)
By using Scripture
Pick and choose
You win your point
And lose
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
(Proverbs 9:10)
It had been hinted at, leaked, suggested, implied, and now it was here...the President's predicted slap in the face to the newly elected Republican majority (albeit not yet in place). It was the announcement of the forthcoming executive order that would "free" a people who, as some say, "now live in the shadows." Following is the text:
My fellow Americans, as your president it is my sworn duty to uphold the laws of the land and to defend the constitution. I take this responsibility very seriously and, in this regard, I am keenly aware that sometimes, in our Republic--for we ARE a Republic, where the PEOPLE elect representatives to stand in their stead in the halls of power--I am aware that this system; this most enviable form of government, has, built in, checks and balances and procedures that often delay needful legislation, sometimes indefinitely. Therefore, I have decided to act alone in an area that cries out for remedy. It is, and has been, a grievous cancer in our body politic and, left unresolved, left UNREMOVED, it will continue to grow, and fester, and infect, until this great compassionate nation--this bastion of freedom!--sickens to the point of no return.
Therefore, understanding the underlying premise of the Supreme Court ruling in 1973--that is: that the Justices of that day, due to the limits of science at the time, were not able to conclusively verify when human life begins--these then handed down a ruling that made "constitutional" the right to kill the "thing" in a pregnant mother's womb; which has resulted in abortion on demand and the subsequent death of multiplied millions. Now, forty-one years later and, seeing how science has proved conclusively that human life begins at conception and, since the wheels of government needed to reverse the previous ruling will be slow in coming, I have decided, by executive order, to issue an emancipation proclamation to free these "citizens" who are the most vulnerable among us. Therefore, immediately upon pen to paper federal marshals will be sent, nation wide, to close every abortuary in the land.
[following the President's address a call for impeachment began to well up from the democratic ranks]
The president recently gave an eloquent speech concerning his decision to bypass congress on the issue of illegal immigrants; thus taking the law into his own hands. Again, as many have said, it's not the result, but the process. He IS NOT a king! And to act as such, no matter how laudable the motives, is tantamount to American heresy. And, to then use scripture to back up his "claim" (Exodus 22:21), while totally ignoring the Bible's clear instruction as to his other missteps (i.e. abortion, gay marriage) well, that is to invite a "divine" impeachment. Truly, the fear of the Lord IS the beginning of wisdom. Sadly, that fear seems very far...from the executive. We will continue to pray for him.
Just added this. Why? Made me laugh. Needful in the trenches (from time to time).
Just added this. Why? Made me laugh. Needful in the trenches (from time to time).