Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Tailwind


The Tailwind
(by R.P.Edwards)

The tailwind "there"
Or tailwind "back"
One be tight
The other slack
So, if I had my druthers 
Which one to track
I'd rather have
The tailwind "back"...

It usually goes with little notice; the waving of the flags. But to those of us with wind-affected craft (in my case, a bicycle) it could mean much. From the windchill to the effort needed to traverse home, a few miles per hour makes a difference. And thus the tailwind (pushing you towards your destination) or headwind (pushing against your efforts) are a part of life.

Nothing terribly deep here. In the "going" there is sometimes struggle, or ease. And, of course, "struggle" produces endurance and experience. And ease can bring an illusionary "rest," if not balanced with the other.

So, since many of you are well acquainted with "struggle," may tailwinds be yours in greater frequency. AND, when others see the collective "we" come into the room, may they expect a delightful tailwind to ease their delicate stay on this earth.

The poem continues...

...For going, verve is on my side
Muscles ready
Born to ride
But with the struggle
The weary tack
Towards home I'd druther
The tailwind back.

PS The flags in the photo above are outside the city hall of Granite City Illinois.  This town has an interesting history which was birthed by the need for reliable steel. A song and video was inspired by the journey of the up and coming metropolis. Thus:

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