Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Oath Pill


The Oath Pill
(by R.P.Edwards)

What if oaths were a pill to take
Along with the words we solemn make
That would stay inside throughout our "time"
And with promises kept, we'd feel just fine
In fact, they'd help us in our healthy walk
In body and soul as we act and talk...

A lot of "oaths" have been given and taken lately. Understandable, considering the new administration has many deserving folk to appoint to important positions. I notice they're all (the oaths, that is) pretty much the same (except for the President's; his was different). Along with the words it involves the raising of the right hand and the placing of the left on the Bible. The solemn utterance concludes with, "So help me God."

Now, may I make a casual and obvious observance that the "oath" is only as good as the oath takers perception of things. In other words; the meaning is subjective. Case in point: there will no doubt be offered Federal legislation that will require proof of citizenship and paper ballots so that elections will be more fraud resistant. Without question many (very many) of those who have "sworn" to "defend" the US Constitution will vote against this "no-brainer" of an act. In other words: the oath is meaningless.

Of course, there are other "oaths" that carry little weight these days (marriage?), but there's no need to drag on. Perhaps the solution to our "dilemma" of duty is NOT in a pill; but rather in education. Teach the tots the importance of honor and honesty, and by all means steer them away from Ivory Towers that have forgotten the basics.

The poem continues.

...But of course, the opposite would then be true
Breaking faith would be an act we'd rue
For we'd turn bright green from the inner pain
And its obvious cause would add more shame
But this end might assist our choices make
Yes, if oaths were a pill we had to take.


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