Monday, December 7, 2020

The weighing




(by R.P.Edwards)
Bloodless revolutions
They happened all the time
Our battles were with ballots
You had yours 
And I had mine
But now traitors in high places
Have stemmed the sacred flow
So, since "bloodless" cannot happen
Is there just one place to go?
 There's a weighing going on. Oh, sure, for the zealous young there may be a quick movement of feet. But for many, myself included, there is a slow determining on what must be done if the overthrow of our Republic is accomplished.
Oh, it would be so much easier if, as in the quandary of one hundred and sixty years past, the lines of division were distinct and knowable. But now, contrary to the upheaval caused by the slavery loving South, OUR traitors--those who have conspired to bastardize our sacred, blood-bought privilege--these are with us on so many levels. 

Yes, there may indeed be corrupt Governors and Attorney Generals; Ideologically blind judges and legislatures; Tyrants in high tech and treasonous ballot handlers on all levels; AND, perhaps even our great Federal organs of law enforcement and government sanctioned espionage; perhaps even these have placed their hands in the service of enemies within...and abroad.
So, what are we, the "thought to be weak" majority to do with these TRAITORS? For now, nothing. But, BUT, if this so apparent overthrow, coup, revolution is left standing; then we may have to do the unthinkable; AND I suspect it won't be on the scale of a small militia or disgruntled protest; No, I suspect thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands will have to make a stand.
But for now there is praying, and weighing and HOPING that there are still a few patriots left in high places. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Our sacred vote



(by R.P.Edwards)
Not simply naughty
Or a partisan do
Not a misdemeanor 
Have I done to you
Not merely a mocker
With my blood bought say
Not just a criminal 
With my act today
No, I'm more than these
With YOUR vote in tow
As I nullify your yes or no
And your sacred stand
I throw away
Yes, there's just one word
For me today

Long ago I brought them to the stone. "Them" referring to my children and the "stone," meaning a war memorial strategically placed near a McDonald's.

Positioning my heritage near the names I attempted to impart a fraction of their worth. "You see these names," I'd say. "Each of these is a person who died on our behalf; on YOUR behalf. Most likely they didn't have children; and never would. They, most likely, left parents and siblings and possibly a sweetheart. They'd never have a career. Never know the joy of cradling their children and grandchildren. Never be able to add their distinct talents and flavor to our society. But, because of their sacrifice YOU get to do all these things. That's why we must remember and honor them." Something like that anyway.

It was more for me, I suppose. Hopefully some of it rubbed off.

And so, at this writing the presidential election results of 2020 are unclear. Oh, the media know-it-alls have made their choice, but the numbers are suspect. Majorly so. In fact, although voter fraud may exist to some degree in all elections, this one seems rife with the offense. AND, when MY SACRED VOTE is nullified by those driven to deceive; when they choose to overthrow the system that literally was purchased by blood; well, that's beyond criminal. It's actually treason. And I hope some kind of severe consequence is meted out upon the verified revelation. It's the least we can do for those listed on the stone...and the future generations they died for.



Monday, November 2, 2020

The Waiting




The Waiting
(by R.P.Edwards)
Seeds are planted
The growing done
The sickle stationed
Almost won
For the morrow waiting
With its frenzied fill
And the coffers bursting
With defining till
Oh anxious waiting!
For the harvest's sway
For the weighted winner
That rules the day
For our future plantings
In life's fallowed field
Will receive the chosen
And its children...yield

It was august of 2018. President Trump made an appearance at a downstate Illinois Steel plant; the beneficiary of his policies that held back the gush of cheap foreign steel so that the local variety...could thrive.

It was a work day and although most of my coworkers were prevented from attending (somebody's got to get the steel out) I was afforded a place in the back due to a vacation day used to accommodate the extraction of two teeth (one of which I miss dearly). After the rude removals I spat out my blood-soaked gauze and attended. It was four hours well spent.

One would suppose my heavy leaning towards President Trump is due to his unwavering support of American-born industry. I, and so many of my hard-hatted peers appreciate this; but this is not the primary pointer for me.

One might think it has to do with his tax-cut, or regulation removals, or military build up, or VA overhaul, or staunch defense of the 2nd Amendment. All good. But these only move me a little.

For, you see, since I am more than just a slightly disheveled steel tender; since I am in fact a person of deep faith, I cling to our commander-in-chief, Donald J. Trump, because he knows, and DEMONSTRATES that he knows, that human life in ALL stages...has value.

Yes, the Republican party under the leadership of Trump, is the party of Life. And although they weren't always this way, the Democrat Party is the party of infanticide, child slaughter, and God-denying death.

Dear reader, make no mistake, those who tout this choosing as one of the most important elections of our time, are absolutely right. It is, in fact, in many ways a veiled replay of 1860. As you recall, on one side were those who loved, cherished, and sought to protect the vile institution that considered fellow humans as something very much less; and on the other side were those who thought being "made in the image of God," applied to all. Therefore, without apology, without regret, and with all my heart my vote is for four more years under the leadership of President, Donald J. Trump.

PS The Lord has allotted me some degree of talent in more than just physical labor, and three songs (over time) have been produced to support President Trump. I suppose two will retire gracefully. But the third has the potential for longevity. Thank you for viewing.




Thursday, July 9, 2020

Poor Statues

(by R.P.Edwards)

Harmless statues
In the mud
'cause children have their way
Until the "village"
Has had enough
And takes their toys away

Abe, Thomas, George, Frederick, Francis, Franklin...and on and on. Famous folk; founders, pillars, "look up to" kind of guys. Yeah, some, many, thought so much of these "before" people that statues were made to memorialize and remember their finer points and contributions.

Well, a while back a person of color was brutally abused and murdered by a member of law enforcement.The incident was recorded for all to see and ALL who saw it (or heard of it) were rightly appalled. AND, understandably, anger ensued which led to protests...and then a lot more.

You see, aside from a backlash with a tether to the slavery-defending Confederacy (old statues and such) there then came an addition to purge ALL who participated in the institution; AND THEN the movement morphed to include those who had NOTHING to do with it (Frederick Douglas, really?).

Obviously, there's much more at play here than meets the eye: it truly appears there has been a concerted hijacking by marxists, anarchists, and America-hating opportunists. And though some of these dearly want to usher us into the bloody and failed systems of Socialism/Communism (thank you academia) there hopefully remains hidden beneath this bile and hate-driven tempest; there HOPEFULLY REMAINS a remnant who look back to Martin (MLK) for inspiration to achieve real healing change. I hope they rise to the surface.

PS. A question: In the future, when the Satan-inspired practice of slaughtering children in the womb is finally recognized for the monstrous evil it is; what structures and statues do WE purge from our public memory? Think about it. 


Friday, May 8, 2020

It's NOT the Spanish flu!

(by R.P.Edwards)

It's not
IT'S not!
IT'S Not!
And though they're desperate to compare
It simply isn't true
For one, the killer from long ago
The healthy oft did take
And as it spread
Most quickly dead
With millions in its wake...

I sympathize with the fearful. I'm well acquainted with this emotion. BUT, I don't fear Covid 19 (or the Coronavirus, or the Chinese virus; whatever you want to call it). Why? two reasons: 1.The Lord promises certain protections for the believer (no plague shall come near your dwelling, Psalm 91) And 2. This "strain" is not nearly as deadly as the hype ever heaped upon us portrays; and it's certainly NOT like the Spanish flu, which exterminated more than five times the American casualties of its contemporary killer; WWI.

But, I get the caution. I get the knee-jerk reflex associated with the "models" of death. BUT, we've been into it for a while now and it's time to reassess and not continue to spout the "could have been" when it's clear it would NOT have been. 

Of course, the comparison to the great killer of a century past also breaks down in a more vile and devilish way: namely, SOME today are rooting for a serious wounding of our nation to further their godless agendas. This our ancestors did not do.

The poem continues:

...But ours is weak
A minor tweak
Afflicting very few
But fear is sown
And power grown
To enslave the common YOU!


Wednesday, April 29, 2020


(by R.P.Edwards)

A dire prediction
Foreboding and dread
A virus from Wuhan
And millions lay dead
But the "science" was faulty
The projections untrue
And the nation is reeling
All because of a flu

 Enter the "expert"

"Mr President, this Wuhan virus is much more serious than we thought at first."

"How serious?"

"The models project that, without mitigation, millions, MILLIONS! will perish! 
In other words, Mr President, think the Black Plague, or the Spanish flu."

"What do you recommend?"


Enter the expert

"Mr President...oops."

First; I'm a huge fan of President Trump. Huge! AND, given the data that he was presented and the "lettered" weight of the words; I truly admire his quick, decisive actions to allay the effects of the "Chinese-spawned" pandemic. HOWEVER, new data has emerged AND, although there seems to be a concerted effort by some to quell (for whatever reason) the "more obvious all the time" truth; I hope and pray the Commander in Chief turns his mighty cannon towards those who would (purposely or no) cripple us and say,



Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Abortion and the Virus

 Abortion and the Virus
(by R.P.Edwards)

So in love
With babies blood
No will to stem
The virus flood
No thought to curb
The silent scourge
Or move to quell
The violent urge
And as they come
From distant sted
To sell their souls
As babes are bled
The authors of
This devil's day
Will cause the plague
To have it's way

Kentucky, Oklahoma, Colorado, Illinois, Missouri.

Five states represented at the Hope abortion Clinic in Granite City, Illinois.

Oh, to be sure, they come from more states than these. But on this day, amidst the great pandemic of 2020, when the order from our betters is to shelter in place unless you are deemed "essential;" on THIS day these come to have their inconvenient offspring gruesomely murdered; all with the blessing and protection of the leaders in Lincoln's beloved Springfield.

The utter hypocrisy of this mandate and method! Saying that killing the innocent is a "must have." BUT, adding to this gross error is the wilful ignorance that fails to see the potential for spreading the "virus" throughout a large portion of the country! For, you see, back and forth they come; five days a week; hundreds of them; thousands! AND, since the party in power so loves this devilment, they will let nothing, not even the spreading of the silent killer, hinder them.

So, oh medical bean counters and tabulators; when you wonder at the numbers that arise in places obscure; remember the states like Illinois; states that value ideology above the death of the very young and, for that matter, the death of any others.


Anecdotal this!

Anecdotally Speaking
(by R.P.Edwards)

That's for me!
So, sorry Mr. PhD
I know you're frantic
A troubled mind
You're aching for
That double-blind
But we'll do that later
Or on the fly
You see, right now
The people die
So we'll grab those pills
That ancient med
The ones when taken
Make not dead
And we'll give some hope
And perhaps set free
Because anecdotal
Was the one for me

Oh, the stretching of my steel-worker vocabulary!

New words (for me); Anecdotal, Asymptomatic, Efficacy (may have stumbled upon this one before).

In the news: the anti-malaria drugs, Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine, used for decades to battle the mosquito-born malady are approved by the FDA for quick dispersal. Oh, this is a thorn for those who want the old fashioned laborious testing before prescribing. Normally not a bad idea, BUT, since the side-effects of this duo are well known, and doctors (so I'm told) prescribe off-label (another new term) usage all the time; Hey! let's give it a shot!

You see, it seems there are a plethora of "Anecdotal" accounts where the meds work. Not a "blind-study" (also new) graph grabber; but more like, "We gave this to them, and they recovered."

So, wisdom prevails and the pesky bug (which I still think will not exceed influenza numbers) is on the way out.

BTW, our lives are full of "Anecdotal" influences: where to shop, get your car fixed, your hair cut. But the most important is the introduction to the Savior, Jesus. I followed that advice long ago with no regrets, and NO bad side effects.


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Mortal, after all

Mortal, after all
(by R.P.Edwards)

After all
Despite all efforts
ALL will fall
So be wise, mortals
Prepare for THEN
Because ever after
Will NEVER end

The Coronavirus, obsessively in the news. Born from a bat or a scientists' vat; it's coming, its inevitable, and it's going to kill...YOU!

Excuse me a moment while I LOL.

C'mon people; it's a FLU! Yeah, it's more sexy, more exotic. And it does seem to pass from one human to another a little better than most; but, like our run of the mill--here it comes again--influenza, it's the aged and already infirm who are more likely to succumb. 

So, by all means, let's wash our hands and bury our snouts in our elbow crease when we feel a cough or sneeze coming on. And yes, let's be kind and stay home if we're sick and let's be sure to keep "sickies" away from our kids. But, as the death toll slowly rises (as it inevitably will) let's also remember, soberly, the casualties resulting from the regular "bug" and, while we're at it, let's give a thought towards the suffering veterans who will commit suicide this day, or the troubled youths who will gun each other down in our "gun law" heavy major cities; or, the thousands upon thousands of innocent children who will be exterminated, with most of the left's hearty approval, in the abortionists' lair.

Yes, the Coronavirus is here, but it is merely one of the many "diseases" that ail us. Some of which, the most important, are of the soul.

The Coronavirus
(by R.P.Edwards)

The Coronavirus
A fancy flu
It does with vigor
What others do
So, wash your hands
And hold your spray
And the Coronavirus
Will fade away
