Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Mortal, after all

Mortal, after all
(by R.P.Edwards)

After all
Despite all efforts
ALL will fall
So be wise, mortals
Prepare for THEN
Because ever after
Will NEVER end

The Coronavirus, obsessively in the news. Born from a bat or a scientists' vat; it's coming, its inevitable, and it's going to kill...YOU!

Excuse me a moment while I LOL.

C'mon people; it's a FLU! Yeah, it's more sexy, more exotic. And it does seem to pass from one human to another a little better than most; but, like our run of the mill--here it comes again--influenza, it's the aged and already infirm who are more likely to succumb. 

So, by all means, let's wash our hands and bury our snouts in our elbow crease when we feel a cough or sneeze coming on. And yes, let's be kind and stay home if we're sick and let's be sure to keep "sickies" away from our kids. But, as the death toll slowly rises (as it inevitably will) let's also remember, soberly, the casualties resulting from the regular "bug" and, while we're at it, let's give a thought towards the suffering veterans who will commit suicide this day, or the troubled youths who will gun each other down in our "gun law" heavy major cities; or, the thousands upon thousands of innocent children who will be exterminated, with most of the left's hearty approval, in the abortionists' lair.

Yes, the Coronavirus is here, but it is merely one of the many "diseases" that ail us. Some of which, the most important, are of the soul.

The Coronavirus
(by R.P.Edwards)

The Coronavirus
A fancy flu
It does with vigor
What others do
So, wash your hands
And hold your spray
And the Coronavirus
Will fade away



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