Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tyrants in training

We Tyrants
(by R.P.Edwards)

Don't say that it can't happen
That it can't
Tyrants wielding tyranny 
In America
Most dear
For evil seeds
Lie in each heart
And Power...makes them grow
And history's repleat
My friend
With wickedness
And woe

Perhaps you've seen the news (albeit few media outlets seemed overly interested) concerning Cliven Bundy, his Nevada ranch, his herd, Federal land and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Basically, he says he has a right to graze his cattle on the land; the Federal Gov says no (not without a fee, naturally). I won't go into the details, but here's a couple links if you're interested. From Fox news, and from the Washington Post. 

Anyway, the Feds showed up armed for bear, and the Bundys plight attracted not a few supports; apparently many willing to give their final measure to stave the encroachment of perceived tyranny.  In other words: willing to kill; willing to die.


Well, this little blog began with a poem concerning tyrants and how they become. And, sadly, it seems the essential element for tyranny on a grand power. And, sadly, our Federal government is drunk with it. Consider the IRS, the NSA, the BLM, etc, and, consider the individuals in each who, with the security of the nearly untouchable bureaucracy, advance their desires to the ill of the nation; to the decay of the Republic. Many people are upset. Many...are oblivious.

Well, let me broaden and then hone: Sorry secularists, but it is a Judeo-Christian belief that man's nature is fallen, debased, untrustworthy. That is why checks and balances are supposedly a part of our Constitutional makeup. And, history proves the premise. Evil is in us, and self judgment or external means are necessary to rein it in.  

However, let's personalize this: tyranny, the byproduct of unbridled power, is not only the inclination of the statesman. No, it walks among us, no matter our station or status. In the home, on the job, on the street. Wherever "power" is imparted, or assumed, it's potential is there. And, in my over five decades of observation I've seen it, or even leaned towards it (God forgive me). And, ironically, it is often veiled with declarations of Safety, or Security, or "it's for your own good," and, with these justifications in tow, if they, if WE are not careful; an arrogance will arise; an overlord will come out, a tyrant will be born.  And so...

Here's to the tyrants I will meet today. Hopefully one...will not be in the mirror.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Chick-Fil-A, Oy vey!

Saddens Me
(by R.P.Edwards)
It saddens me
When good men turn
Rethink their oaths
For others...yearn
 Shortsighted gain
A pleasured pause
Forsake the stone
Forget...the cause
It saddens me
When "I" am these
Who yield to fear
Some care to ease
Assuage the blast
Of battles beat
And choose the shade
And not the heat
It saddens me
Our cowards core
When now our need
For heroes...more
And so I pray
That "we" repent
And turn anew 
And not...relent
Some Dan T. Cathy quotes (CEO Chick-Fil-A) then, and now
 As it relates to society in general, I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.
 “We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles,”
“Every leader goes through different phases of maturity, growth and development and it helps by (recognizing) the mistakes that you make,” Cathy told the AJC. “And you learn from those mistakes. If not, you’re just a fool. I’m thankful that I lived through it and I learned a lot from it."
 "I think the time of truths and principles are captured and codified in God’s word and I’m just personally committed to that,” he told the AJC. “I know others feel very different from that and I respect their opinion and I hope that they would be respectful of mine. ... I think that’s a political debate that’s going to rage on. And the wiser thing for us to do is to stay focused on customer service.”
Let me begin by saying that the impetus for this piece came from the recent watching of --I hope he's the next president-- the Huckabee show on Fox. As you recall, the former Arkansas governor called for all Traditional marriage supporters to counter the gay-backlash caused by the CEO of Chick-Fil-A's comments (a couple years back) concerning the institution that used to be a no-brainer as to its construct. Thousands upon thousands stood in dine.

Well, it seems in recent days that Mr. Cathy has softened the stance and has tried to convey the sentiment that the restaurant chain is going to concentrate more on the fare, rather than the definition of family. In other words, it's the poultry, and not the politics.

Now, truthfully, I wanted to be majorly miffed.  How dare he, after all that support, do an apparent about face?! But, upon further research, I'm not nearly as riled. Sure, I think it's a bit of a sell-out; a coin-coveting move, but Chick-Fil-A seems to still have a lot going for it, and although I am less than thrilled at their withdrawal from such an important issue; I'll not hold them to the standard of a Pastor, or denomination. They're a chicken restaurant, after all.

However, one thing I noticed in my skipping about on the internet was the caustic language of the left on the subject. Indeed, when it came to those who hold to the Traditional, Biblical view of marriage; these were referred to as "Anti-gay," "homophobic," "anti-equality," "Bigots," "Haters:" Warring words, to be sure. But, if I may, if these "barbs" are aimed at those who simply want the traditional, Biblical view of the family to be maintained, then, really, these derisive terms are aimed at God Himself.  Not too wise, in my opinion. Perhaps we should ratchet back the rhetoric and talk civilly to one another. Perhaps over a chicken sandwich.



Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Climate Change this!!!

Climate this!
(by R.P.Edwards)

Clean the water
Clean the air
Check the food
For toxins there
But Climate change?!
No how!
No Way!
I've mouths to feed!
And bills to pay!

I sympathize with true believers. Those who hold on to the unholdable. Those whose belief reaches beyond sight. For me it's the Christian reaching; "For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7), but for the "believers" at the's climate change.

Listen, I just don't have time, and I surely don't want any more of my paycheck going for another's religion. I'll put my cash in my passed plate and you, sir, put ALL you yours.

Conclusion: The causes and ramifications of "Climate Change" (formerly "global warming") are still in the realm of theory. Don't shove this down our collective throats. And WE, the American public, unless we want this pseudo-religion to reach into our collective pockets; "we" need to make sure candidates who are aligned with this frame of thought...don't hold elective office.

Real Climate Change
(by R.P.Edwards)

So concerned
With Climate Change
I find obsession
Rather strange
For soon we'll stand
Before HIS face
And THEN it's flames!
Or saving grace

Here's a little video done a while back concerning "Global Warming." You might find it amusing...
