Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The 10




The 10
(By R.P.Edwards)
We the People
Put them there
To be Our voice
Our constant care
OUR Constitution
Their pledge, our YES
To be ever faithful
To do their best
But once enthroned
Or perhaps before
Adulterous thoughts
Grew more and more
Until finally joining
In open display
The opposition 
That believes their way
And with gross contempt
For their blood bought place
They throw the ring
Back in our face
And so ends the marriage
The hopeful pair
For Liberty dies
When betrayal's there

Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, 
But who can find a trustworthy man?
(Proverbs 20:6 NAS)

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones.
(Proverbs 12:4 NAS)

The context: In the tumultuous presidential election period of 2020/21 a large gathering of Trump supporters were encouraged to engorge the capital on January 6; when state certifications were tallied by the VP. 

Well, aside from the "Mr Pence should have done it THIS way!" controversy, there was a small group of rabble which stormed the capital citadel, causing a pause in the action and making some previously, "Oh, we admire riots!" democrats quite uncomfortable with the mayhem.
Soooo, the majority party, every hateful of the chief executive, insisted on a kangaroo court "impeachment" on the grounds of instigating an insurrection (laughable) and 10 Republicans (although a thorough investigation HAD NOT been done and, besides, the Dems had enough to do the deed on their own) these 10 added their adulterous amen.
Oh, unfaithfulness is a heinous offense. Few marriages can survive it. A pairing, based on solemn, sacred, mutual trust; when one willingly casts the oath aside...it is devastating. And that, dear reader, is how I view the behavior of these 10.
And, although their actions are no doubt pure in their own wandering eyes I don't care to hear the eloquent babbling, or self justifying gibberish. They simply chose to betray, for whatever reason, the President that had done so much for the nation, the Republican party, and most likely their past election. Yes, when the bed is willingly violated, words...mean nothing. 
So, away with these. And, since "Representatives" have to fight for their seat every two years, these should be vigorously primaried out of contention. 

Well, since this is written on the 19th of January, tomorrow is the supposed inauguration of the new administration. Washington DC, so I'm told, is an armed camp. Vast and interesting conspiracy theories abound and, some prophetic voices (which I DO trust) even these say there will, somehow, be four more years of Trump. How? I do not know. But I do know this: God is indeed a God of justice...and vindication.
PS, as heinous as I perceive the actions of the "10," I wish them no lasting ill. The mortal condition is prone to sin, and repentance and grace is a path to wholesomeness. I hope they take advantage of it.  







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