Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Crimes Against Humanity



Humanity who?
(by R.P.Edwards)
Crimes against humanity
But humanity
Who are they?
"People" perceived
By such as "we"
But others?
Thrown away...
The purposeful injury, to the point of death, of another "group" one feels inferior and not "worthy" of the rights and privileges "your" subset deserves. As good a definition as any for the oft used phrase, "Crimes against humanity." 

Oh, we have no qualms at the labeling of the villains associated with the heinous misdeeds of the past (slavery, the holocaust, aboriginal mistreatment etc), however, there are two open displays happening now (one fairly new, the other not) and they too deserve a hearing.

First; in the state I reside, during this "crisis" having to do with the "sickness" from the east (manufactured, in my eyes) there are certain "protocols" which seem to purposely push towards death those who dare not be, let's say, injected. Yes, even though there are a growing number of "treatments" that could help, at least early on, these are officially denied. Therefore, when the afflicted finally gets to the point of extremes (which some, unfortunately do) their likelihood of death increases. In other words, because of the government sanctioned denials...some will, and have died. This injustice needs attention, and I suspect this will happen when sanity resurfaces.

And the second; abortion. Or more accurately, infanticide. With modern determinants (although it wasn't hard to perceive already) the innocent "life" in the womb has been shown to be fully human and worthy of protection. However, under the classic definition of the "antagonist" there are some who will not acknowledge these "persons" and who therefore demand the "right" to exterminate them at will. 

So, as we ponder "Crimes against humanity" past, and hopefully expand our view to include the obvious inclusions now, the question arises, What will be done? We'll know soon enough.

The poem continues...

...So be careful, "Judge"
With your gavel high
And your verdict to proclaim
For for good or ill
Your actions will
Speak your name 


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Of Pence and Recompense





The Great Reveal
(by R.P.Edwards)
Cloaks and daggers
Feints and spins
All to win...
It is nearly upon us. So say prophetic voices and the near boiling activity in the "battleground States" and beyond. The election, so obviously tainted, is having its treasonous stain exposed and hopefully soon...expunged. Yes, the efforts of the "overthrow" were (and continue) to be huge. But they are slipping and the cohesion of evil (let's be frank) has no lasting power. The wise ones will be the whistle-blowers, and the unwise will taste their just due.

But, this little offering is not about the vile left; no, it is about former VP Mike Pence and his quickly being labeled as "traitor" and more. His "inaction" on the sixth of January, when many contend he could have ceased or slowed the ascension of the "non-winner,"  has been viewed by not a few as a Judas or Brutus betrayal of Donald Trump and the freedom loving Americans who support him.
But let's pause a moment. In this curious time when Q Anon thoughts are woven in and throughout the mindset of the offended [as a curious aside, I looked up how to spell "it" and the plethora of headlines associated with the term and claiming how "discredited" this movement is well...that causes me to give them "more" credence]  Anyway, the gist is: I believe "The Great Reveal" is close at hand. AND, when the light of day obliterates the shadows, perhaps it will be discovered that Mr. Pence had a part to play that involved entering, voluntarily, the unsavory and repugnant ranks of the opposition. I hope so.

You know, I always did like him; VP Pence. We share a common faith and his devotion to the military is without question. And, I was always impressed at how he was careful, CAREFUL, to deflect attention to the President he served. AND, if it turns out that he faltered at the end, I'll at least give a listen and apply the grace we all desperately need. BUT, if his was an undercover action which will be exposed in light-revealing vindication, I dearly hope those who so readily disparaged him are as quick in their spoken regrets.

The poem continues:
 ...So be careful, partisans!
With your judgments, raw
Over what you heard
Over what you saw
For there's more afoot
Than your harried zeal
For soon comes the dawn
And The Great Reveal 


Saturday, February 13, 2021




(By R.P.Edwards)
Traitors, traitors, all are we
Depending on the view
For even Thomas, George, and Ben
Are TRAITORS to the few...
And so, on this frigid February day the overthrow (ahem, I mean election) is settled and Mr Biden sits enthroned upon the people placed pedestal. Oh, there are a few cases coming before the Supreme Court concerning election things; but can these nine who, thus far, seem disinterested in actually wielding "uncomfortable" justice; can these be counted on to look at the evidence and say, "Hey, wait a minute."?
No matter. The fraud was obvious. The treasonous acts (those plethora of deeds associated with actually stealing our sacred, blood bought ballots) are plain to see if one chooses to. But, being a person of belief in the "founders" omnipotent deity, I believe this travesty will not stand; however the means (and I DO NOT mean Civil War).

But, let me pause a moment to point out the players and our disparities. For, although I believe President Trump won in a landslide, nevertheless there were millions who did not want him. AND these zealous many (not counting the thieves; I mean, traitors) these Americans hold quite a different view than I.

Yes, although these may consider themselves "patriots" by there opposition to the ways of Trump, I dare say their contrary views concerning government (socialism), censorship (anti-1st amendment), biology (anything goes), personhood (infanticide), foreign policy (aiding the enemies of Israel and, frankly, bending towards global governance); these are most certainly far from the founders inclinations. AND, even though they LOVE to disparage honorable ancestors for there not "instantly up to speed" view of slavery; they more than nullify their righteous stand by catering to the same demons by boisterously proclaiming that only skin color and heritage matter, and then going one step further than the former "owners" by gleefully murdering innocent pre-born "lives" they deem unworthy.


So, as this curious drama plays itself out (soon, I'm thinking) what we really need, dear reader, in order for this America to survive; what we REALLY need is much more than the coming vindication. What we need is a spiritual Awakening. And that, I believe, is at the door.

The poem continues...

...But many more
I do believe
Still see the founder's worth
And with God's aid
The Republic made
Will not perish from the earth.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The 10




The 10
(By R.P.Edwards)
We the People
Put them there
To be Our voice
Our constant care
OUR Constitution
Their pledge, our YES
To be ever faithful
To do their best
But once enthroned
Or perhaps before
Adulterous thoughts
Grew more and more
Until finally joining
In open display
The opposition 
That believes their way
And with gross contempt
For their blood bought place
They throw the ring
Back in our face
And so ends the marriage
The hopeful pair
For Liberty dies
When betrayal's there

Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, 
But who can find a trustworthy man?
(Proverbs 20:6 NAS)

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones.
(Proverbs 12:4 NAS)

The context: In the tumultuous presidential election period of 2020/21 a large gathering of Trump supporters were encouraged to engorge the capital on January 6; when state certifications were tallied by the VP. 

Well, aside from the "Mr Pence should have done it THIS way!" controversy, there was a small group of rabble which stormed the capital citadel, causing a pause in the action and making some previously, "Oh, we admire riots!" democrats quite uncomfortable with the mayhem.
Soooo, the majority party, every hateful of the chief executive, insisted on a kangaroo court "impeachment" on the grounds of instigating an insurrection (laughable) and 10 Republicans (although a thorough investigation HAD NOT been done and, besides, the Dems had enough to do the deed on their own) these 10 added their adulterous amen.
Oh, unfaithfulness is a heinous offense. Few marriages can survive it. A pairing, based on solemn, sacred, mutual trust; when one willingly casts the oath is devastating. And that, dear reader, is how I view the behavior of these 10.
And, although their actions are no doubt pure in their own wandering eyes I don't care to hear the eloquent babbling, or self justifying gibberish. They simply chose to betray, for whatever reason, the President that had done so much for the nation, the Republican party, and most likely their past election. Yes, when the bed is willingly violated, words...mean nothing. 
So, away with these. And, since "Representatives" have to fight for their seat every two years, these should be vigorously primaried out of contention. 

Well, since this is written on the 19th of January, tomorrow is the supposed inauguration of the new administration. Washington DC, so I'm told, is an armed camp. Vast and interesting conspiracy theories abound and, some prophetic voices (which I DO trust) even these say there will, somehow, be four more years of Trump. How? I do not know. But I do know this: God is indeed a God of justice...and vindication.
PS, as heinous as I perceive the actions of the "10," I wish them no lasting ill. The mortal condition is prone to sin, and repentance and grace is a path to wholesomeness. I hope they take advantage of it.  
