Saturday, October 29, 2016

Drain the swamp, Donald!

Of Swamps
(by R.P.Edwards)

Swamps are slick
Slimy too
Yucky, icky, gobs of goo
Snakes and gators 
Bugs that bite
It's even worse
When there at night
But human swamps
Have deeper dirt
Lying, cheating, deeds that hurt
Morals moldy
Backbone gone
Pay for play
And on and on
So twixt the two
If a choice is made
I'll take the swamp
The everglade
For there the hurt
Is on the skin
But human swamps
Defile within

The election is near and my talented lyricist from Texas has seized on a phrase Donald Trump uttered a while ago as to Washington DC and its condition: "Drain the swamp."

So, the resulting video/song is above and, incredibly, since the initial declaration even MORE sleaze on the other side has come to light. Amazingly, many won't care. 

But, my hope is, that if Mr Trump makes it (and I believe he will), perhaps the swamp will be drained at last.

By the way, I picked up a Trump yard sign today. Let's see how long it lasts.  


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Battle Hymn of the Republic and Abortion

Same Evil
(by R.P.Edwards)

The same evil
That brought the whip
Is behind the Doctor's 
Tear and rip
The same demons
Behind the chains
Are those that dine
On babies brains
The same evil
That fed the South
Now fills the leftist's
Mind and mouth
But NOT the same
Our dearest need
A Lincoln's rise
To speak and lead

This offering is written after the second presidential debate and after the lewd revelation of a decade past. Ho hum. As someone who has experienced four years in the navy and over 23 years in heavy industry, nasty talk does not dissuade me from my decision in this election.

Abortion, in the eyes of God, is murder. It was allowed as law, not due to the democratic process, but because 7 judges willed it so. Ms Clinton is VERY pro-abortion. Mr not. It's where I begin, and he still has my vote.

As an aside: since evil exists in a realm not limited by fleshly decay, it is only reasonable to believe that evil entities perpetually influence where they are allowed. Abortion is one of these areas (C'mon, killing your own offspring?). And, since "dehumanizing" was essential to perpetuate American slavery, it is reasonable to assume that the same vile spirits that instructed towards that end are now, in our day, working the same tack.

Having said that, on occasion, at our local abortion clinic, I'll sing aloud a solo rendition of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" to go along with prayer and proclamations (NOT while women are heading towards the door; that's the time for gentle exhortation). Why? Because this is a war, dear reader. There is good. There is evil. And "Making America Great Again," must include the protection and cherishing of the most innocent and vulnerable among us.

The song: It contains my "solo" performance, plus some additional tracks to fill it out a bit.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Mike Pence, the real deal

(by R.P.Edwards)

Mike Pence
The real deal
Passionate facts
Not perfunctory spiel 
A depth of doing
Of heart and hand
Showing the knowing
Making a stand

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
And before you were born I consecrated you;
I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
(Jeremiah 1:5 NASB)

When I heard it I took notice; it was a bell-ringer; a whistle to attention; a substantive salute. I'm referring to the above scripture that VP candidate, Mike Pence, mentioned in the debate with his Hillary counterpart, Tim Kaine.

You see, this particular verse is one of the Biblical backers that makes God's view on life in the womb known. In essence, the Almighty says to the prophet "I" made you in the womb; "I" recognized and consecrated you before you were born; "I" had your life already planned out for you.

For the believer who is actually concerned about the Lord's opinion in this area this is a rock to stand upon. The God of the Bible recognizes (and indeed "makes") the person in the womb. From here the Sixth commandment applies, "Thou shalt not murder."

Anyway, the mention of this verse caught my attention for it means the future VP has a depth of faith beyond the hopeful expressions of  "wordsmiths and handlers."  I only hope that other Christ followers dare delve deeper into the Word of God. If they do, their vacillating on the Life issue will come to an end. 

Well done, Governor Pence.

Following is a little song that might help the Trump effort.



Monday, October 3, 2016

In memory of Pedro Gomez

Pedro Gomez 1956-1985

Not of Works
(by R.P.Edwards)

See me shine
All is mine
But Heaven's gate
Takes NONE of these
Just simple faith
On bended knees

28 Therefore they said to Him, “What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?” 29 Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.”
(John 6:28,29)

Yes, yes, it's been a long time since I clicked the keyboard and offered my simple analysis and insight. 

I'd like to say I was on sabbatical; exploring and expanding my view of things. But no, I have been here, in my humble Midwestern digs, mulling about and NOT blogging. 

Oh, with all the doings of the candidates (debate etc) I've had many a thought that, "Hey, I could write about that." But "those" thoughts lacked the strength and stamina to get me moving.

But this post, dear reader, IS weighty AND worthy. You see, in my office (of sorts) there is a book shelf which contains the odds and ends of a life somewhat disorganized. Among the clutter are two year books from a Christian college I attended in the eighties. Perhaps I'll speak more of it sometime, but since the Lord has allowed me some musical talent, I was asked (in 1985) upon the tragic death of a fellow student, to come up with something for a memorial gathering. The song, "Jesus, He is my only claim," is the result.

His name was Pedro Gomez, 29, and his desire was to lead others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; the Savior he had accepted just three years prior. I didn't "know" Pedro very well (I, a married type in married housing, and he, not) but we were, and ARE, brothers. And although his cut-short existence didn't allow for a longer re'sume', it turns out only "one" item is needed.

Anyway, I had the mindset to YouTube (ize) some old songs. This one came to mind; as did the yearbook; as did Pedro. I think God is in it. 

God bless you as you listen.  Jesus, He is my only claim
