Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tis the season...

Holiday tears
(by R.P.Edwards)

Sorrow often comes with "days"
Memorials of
The loss
When hearts were torn
Bereavement born
The constant
So with the mirth
Of Peace on Earth
Be watchful for
The tears
Then pause to care
The burden...share
And hold the hurting

Holidays, especially the festive ones, are "reminders" to many...that a loved one has passed on.  Not so "jolly" for these.  They often withdraw and endure...until the storm has passed.  

Just a gentle reminder to be watchful this season; watchful for the tears that many of our fellow travelers are quietly shedding.  What say you and I add to our "Christmas List" the priceless gift of a listening ear, a warm embrace, a genuine concern.  After all, it was compassion that compelled "Him," to come to our aid; to take on human flesh.  Let us, therefore, allow "Him" to use our arms, our voice, our remind these dear ones that "love" was the reason; and that His love for stronger than death.

Following is a very simple video that was made a couple years back.  It reminds that there are, among us, those who are suffering this Christmas season.  It centers on those whose loved one died in the military.  But, if you will, please expand the message to include "all" who are less...this Christmas.  It's titled, "You're My Christmas Gift." View. Consider. Then be watchful...for tears.


1 comment:

Leona Salazar said...

Thank you, Bob, for the wonderful reminder.