(by R.P.Edwards)
Woe is me
My poor PC
The XP
Old and used
by all
The funeral
Old friend
The hours
We'd spend
Dancing in
The net
With moistened eyes
At your demise
"No backup"
My poor PC
The XP
Old and used
by all
The funeral
Old friend
The hours
We'd spend
Dancing in
The net
With moistened eyes
At your demise
"No backup"
Yes, yes, the picture of the recently deceased, Steve Jobs, and my PC references don't mix. However, a few days before the gentleman passed on, my beloved Microsoft product (desktop XP) gave up the ghost. Thus, I sit on the living room couch tapping away on my 17 year old son's laptop (can I borrow your computer, son?)
Well, last night, amidst the radio relations of the Cardinal/Phillies game, the death of Mr. Jobs was briefly announced. I knew he was ill but, obviously, those days are behind him. Yes, his spirit has gone to a totally different reality. A reality, I hope, that he had prepared for.
You know, the gadgets that Steve, Bill, and their ilk have brought us are truly wonderful, amazing, and such a help. But, also, they literally eat up--if we're not careful--the most precious commodity of our lives and loves...our time. I ask you, how many of us are consumed by the keyboard? How many hours are spent where only eyes and monitors...meet? How many false and fake fantasies of facebook do we engage in? And then, like Mr Jobs...we die.
Dear reader, I encourage you and I--as yet another one of us has left this most temporary realm--to step back (a little more than we have) from our electronic toys to engage in the most important interaction of all; person to person. You see, although I know virtually nothing of Steve Jobs' personal life, I dare say, when his life force unstoppably ebbed; as he looked, with faded vision, into his loved ones watering eyes; I dare say his final wish was not for one more "breakthrough" or "cutting edge contraption." No, he probably desired, above all else, a few more moments of tender human intimacy...and interface. With that in mind, what say that you and I begin to think along those lines. That we would make it a priority that our personal programming begins...and ends...with the love...of others.
I agree Mr. Edwards...I wonder how many more years before even buying a writing pen will become a chore as well. One other point to consider on the news of today...if one unmarried, pregnant college student had chosen abortion over adoption, the world would have missed Steve Jobs. Thank you Lord for that decision.
Thanks, David, for your comment and the added insight. "Yes, Lord, thank you for that decision."
Once again, you've taken a current event and transformed it into something so much more poignant. And, you're absolutely right about what's really important. My husband and I just celebrated this past weekend our 60th and 65th birthdays and brought our families here to Washington from NY, CO, CA and GA. It couldn't have been better. As I said in my remarks at the party, "Whether I'm remembered for my legal skills or being able to do a cartwheel, really doesn't matter. What I hope for is that eventually (but not too soon, I pray), those that I love will say that 'she tried to be the best-est wife, best-est sister-in-law, best-est Cioci ("chu-chee" meaning aunt in Polish) and best-est grand-Cioci there ever was.' Now what would be life defining." Thanks again, Bob, for your wonderful insight.
Thanks Leona, and God bless you and your loved ones. May more families mirror your grasp of what's really...important.
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