Monday, December 5, 2022


(by R.P.Edwards) 

Reality is
That we are His
And He knows how to keep
So as we go
A tempered woe
An abbreviated weep
For unlike those
In hopeless throes
Our parting's a brief delay
This gentle night
A brief respite
Before His brilliant, eternal day

As comes with the territory of aging (I suppose), I seem to attend more funerals than weddings of late. 

A recent one involved the passing of a dear saint (as in, believer in Jesus) in her 90's. I hadn't spoken to her in years but I'm sure her faith hadn't wavered and her entrance into the direct presence of the Savior she loved was (and is) a joyous one.  

However, sadness at the separation is natural, but for those who "know" it really is only a temporary goodbye. That's why "knowing" is key. The minister at the funeral was careful to supply the directions.

Well, a song arose from the experience and the thought came to sing it in two languages. Since I'm only fairly proficient in one (English, American version), I needed help with the other (Spanish). Google translate was useful but, through a divine linkage a kind coworker fine-tuned the vocabulary and pronunciation. The youtube link is above. I pray it does some good for those in need.


Monday, September 26, 2022

Master of the Sea, we look to you






(by R.P.Edwards)
Integrity in short supply
Though winds and waves bombard
Though "ease" and "grace"
Speak face to face
And whisper, "It's too hard."
Though "others" bend
Yet do not end
And excuses rise and fall
Integrity will stay the course
Having surrendered simply...all. 

I have an older brother, Bill, who, from my memories of him (post Christ) is steeped in...integrity. One area of his resolve was his long waiting for a mate. No compromise. No squishy Christian relativism. But a determined "holding on" to the mighty Savior and His faithfulness. It took a while but--years in the making--a wonderful, godly woman became his wife. They have been blessed with three "mighty in God" offspring. 

Well, there was a suggestion that perhaps a "song" about these dynamic two could be made. It was a lighthearted aside...but I think the Lord thought otherwise. Thus, with God's help and to His glory the above song was made. I hope it is a blessing to them...and others. Thanks for viewing. 


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Evil is NOT okay



 Evil's Okay
(by R.P.Edwards)
Evil's okay
Says the wicked on high
Evil's okay
Say the R's who don't try
Evil's okay
Say the three lettered shills
Evil's okay
Says the "doctor" who kills
Evil's okay
Says the watchdog gone mad
Evil's okay
Say the jurists gone bad
Evil's okay
Say the media snakes
Evil's okay 
Say the "blues" on the take
Evil's okay
Say the Unions "in spite"
Evil's okay
Say execs from their heights
Evil's okay
Say the clergy who bow
Evil's okay
Said as teachers kowtow...
The photo above, taken of a framed remembrance of my C-vid encounter, seems appropriate as, at this writing the Supreme Court is sought to restrain the madness of the "supposed" leader of our country.

Oh, it was an interesting experience (my bout with "it"). Like many (most) I survived. Yes, it was troubling; mainly because we've been "told" of the seriousness of the "NOT" swine flu. "A killer!" they opined (and opine). AND, of course it certainly can be, especially when medications that COULD help...are forbidden (much could be written on this). But, with answered prayer and wise supplements and passed.
But now, today. 
As this offering is written the Highest Court in the land is sought to remedy the incredible overreach of those who insist ALL bend and be injected with the barely tested vac-ine that somehow doesn't really act like one (see "measles" and other vac-ines that actually work). They're adamant, driven, and frankly, reckless in their pursuit. AND, since so many are willfully persuaded that lawlessness is an acceptable means to an end...the in sight.

And so, as company executives (many) prepare to joyously (let's be honest) stick it (no pun intended) to those who butter their bread; AND as many workers drag their steel toed shoes in the sand to create the line they simply WILL NOT cross; it's a time for heroes and cads. We've certainly had plenty of the latter, but now it's time for backbones to stiffen and the evil of this age, before it is passed to our be dealt with.

The poem concludes, 

...Yes, evil's okay
Say the many, en masse
