Saturday, February 13, 2021




(By R.P.Edwards)
Traitors, traitors, all are we
Depending on the view
For even Thomas, George, and Ben
Are TRAITORS to the few...
And so, on this frigid February day the overthrow (ahem, I mean election) is settled and Mr Biden sits enthroned upon the people placed pedestal. Oh, there are a few cases coming before the Supreme Court concerning election things; but can these nine who, thus far, seem disinterested in actually wielding "uncomfortable" justice; can these be counted on to look at the evidence and say, "Hey, wait a minute."?
No matter. The fraud was obvious. The treasonous acts (those plethora of deeds associated with actually stealing our sacred, blood bought ballots) are plain to see if one chooses to. But, being a person of belief in the "founders" omnipotent deity, I believe this travesty will not stand; however the means (and I DO NOT mean Civil War).

But, let me pause a moment to point out the players and our disparities. For, although I believe President Trump won in a landslide, nevertheless there were millions who did not want him. AND these zealous many (not counting the thieves; I mean, traitors) these Americans hold quite a different view than I.

Yes, although these may consider themselves "patriots" by there opposition to the ways of Trump, I dare say their contrary views concerning government (socialism), censorship (anti-1st amendment), biology (anything goes), personhood (infanticide), foreign policy (aiding the enemies of Israel and, frankly, bending towards global governance); these are most certainly far from the founders inclinations. AND, even though they LOVE to disparage honorable ancestors for there not "instantly up to speed" view of slavery; they more than nullify their righteous stand by catering to the same demons by boisterously proclaiming that only skin color and heritage matter, and then going one step further than the former "owners" by gleefully murdering innocent pre-born "lives" they deem unworthy.


So, as this curious drama plays itself out (soon, I'm thinking) what we really need, dear reader, in order for this America to survive; what we REALLY need is much more than the coming vindication. What we need is a spiritual Awakening. And that, I believe, is at the door.

The poem continues...

...But many more
I do believe
Still see the founder's worth
And with God's aid
The Republic made
Will not perish from the earth.
