Friday, December 20, 2019

Founders? Really?

(by R.P.Edwards)

Citing Founders
Stolen Cred 
Firm assertions
What THEY said!
But be careful children
When you do
For the Founders God

In the news: the Democrat controlled House of Representatives rushes to judgement and votes to impeach the people's duly elected president, Donald J. Trump. Oh yes, a coming election in less than a year's time could oust said chief executive but, due to fear of failure in this area; the "peoples" house decided to try another desperate way.

An observation: there was a solemn (their word) session when many Democrats voiced from the House floor their heavy obligation to remove (attempt) the President from his post. Often the Founders (Framers) of the Republic were mentioned. Sometimes scripture was invoked. Words like "honor, integrity, duty" were uttered. And, of course, the sacred Constitution was dusted off and waved like a banner on flag day.

Here's a "truly" solemn reminder: the modern Democrat party is, quite literally, the party of death. In recent years they have pushed their lust for infant blood to the place of the birth canal and beyond. And, when I hear their pious platitudes (albeit sincere, I suppose) I can't help but filter them through the practice they so heartily endorse and that God literally hates. Yes, no matter their station, or education, or lists of accomplishments and accolades associated with these; since they en masse willingly choose that which is damnable; their words mean nothing.

Of course, this admonition does not end in the donkey's stall. No, ALL elements of the right, no matter which niche of the Constitution they cling to; these also need to center to this fundamental place. That is: human life is sacred and must be protected. It is our first unalienable right, and without it, the Republic will, and should, fall.  

There's another impeachment in the wind. It's coming next November and although I will continue to dutifully pray for all those in authority, I truly hope ALL those who have so grossly dishonored our beginnings and refuse to turn...will be expelled.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Radicalized, two kinds

(by R.P.Edwards)

The aging minister
Knelt and sighed
And prayed his flock
Would be radicalized
That they'd hear God's Word
And know its worth
That they'd walk His will
While here on earth...

So, just before Christmas--the holiday celebrating Christ's birth--three young American service members attending flight training school in Pensacola, Florida, are dead due to the possible "radicalization" of an also attending Saudi student.

Yes, yes, the investigation continues and "terrorism" isn't the official verdict just yet, but really, here's the question: Why do we even entertain the possibility that a foreign "someone" might suddenly decide to take their faith to the extreme? 

Oh, I know, such talk might be considered "Islamophobic," but honestly it is not my intent to speak disparagingly of those who hold to the teachings of Islam; they are what they are. However, how often have we seen someone (usually male) who, for whatever reason, becomes overly "devout" and then commences to act out what they consider a deadly divine directive?

Here's my point; why take the chance? Why entertain the possibility? Why play the guessing game of "not if, but when"? I suppose our bureaucratic "betters" can give a plethora of reasons.

None of which will give solace to the families of three murdered Americans.

The poem continues...

...That they'd love the enemy
That they'd seek the lost
That they'd be like Jesus
At any cost
That they'd consume the Bible
And be heavenly wise
And at last like Christ
They'd be radicalized 
