Monday, July 15, 2019

Why no gratitude?

Not even a Thank You?
(by R.P.Edwards)

Gratitude in short supply
And with our gifts
We wonder why
For others paid
With pain and blood
To buy our rights
To stem the flood
To make a land
Where ALL can fly
Where stars are reached
By those who try
And yet a many
Upon the stand
They shame the past
They bite the hand
Forgetful children
Or never taught
They mock the treasure
That lives have wrought
And eat the feast
Of freedom's bloom
But in there heart
They have no room
And so we turn
As they despise
And leave their tantrum
Ever "I"!
And close the door
And wonder why
Why gratitude is
In short supply

It seems to be a regular occurrence; an aggrieved athlete for some reason upset with some aspect of the country (the current flavor: President Trump) so they choose to dishonor the blood bought land that gave them the opportunity for stardom and wealth, and kneel during the National Anthem.

Ho hum.

I get it that they're upset, but I don't get the broad-brush dissing that they insist on. Surely there's plenty of cameras and microphones available to make their case, but disrespect is their choice. And...I wonder why?

Well, part of the reason must be education. We simply don't teach respect as something of importance. And the next reason is the heart itself. That, however, is dealt with at an alter where kneeling (at least on the inside) is a must.


Friday, July 5, 2019

Throwing stones

(by R.P.Edwards)

Casting stones
At founders, dead
For slaves they owned
For things they said
While we recline
Upon our bed
And dine on children
Cold and red...

A beautiful baby girl, making all those delightful newborn noises that one hears when allowed the privilege of being nearby. A granddaughter, over nine pounds, and with an enviable head of hair already. Lovely, delicate, precious, adorable, unique, and very much a person, crafted by the finger of God.

You know, I can tolerate a lot of nonsense from the left. Of course Socialism and the Green New Deal are bad ideas, but I could roll with them as the nation would invariably suffer, and decline, and ultimately reap the wretched harvest that results from inferior seed. And, of course, there are other areas of disagreement I'll save for another day (although I've covered them before, no doubt) but one issue comes to the forefront and it cannot be dismissed: abortion.

You see, abortion is murder; plain and simple. And the debased thought that unites the many who now vie for the executive pinnacle that because this "life" is dependent, or inconvenient, it's alright to kill; well, that mindset was birthed in hell and no matter the religious prattle that oozes from the lips of these aspirants their foundation is anchored in the very same gross error that once gave solace to the slave owner. Heaven help us if any of these are put in the captain's chair. And heaven help us again if the church doesn't finally rise up to declare, "Thus saith the Lord!" 

The poem continues:

...And when we die
And meet our fate
And get our due
For sin and hate
Our heirs, if any
Will read our tome
Then wipe a tear
And grab a stone 
