(by R.P.Edwards)
Critics disarmed
In toxic times
She cries
Yes, I was one of the 18 (and counting!) million who viewed Roseanne Barr's much heralded and anticipated foray into the world of prime time comedy (once again). And why? Because of her character's support (reflecting her own) of Hollywood's archenemy, President Donald Trump. You see, since I too am a fan of #POTUS, I thought it was worth a look. And it was.
I must admit, for the most part I enjoyed the low-brow lunacy that swirled around the blue-collar Conners family as old and new acquaintances were (and are) mixed together with the caustic and charming catalyst that is Rosanne Barr. Funny stuff.
HOWEVER, since I am not a "vote your wallet" conservative, I'll probably pass next time. And here's why: Although there was playful banter around the edges of some points of contention (2nd Amendment, economy, etc) when it came to the area of abortion there was a clear consensus that the innocent unborn have no voice. AND, to a lesser extent and holding to the left's love affair with gender fluidity, there's a young grandson on the show who loves wearing feminine attire on his "brave" journey to who knows where. I mean really, c'mon.
Anyway, I appreciate the nod to the suffering middle class that thought "Trump" was worth a try in this last election. AND I appreciate the poke in the eye to the lofty elites who hate all things red and consider "fly over" folk as merely fodder for their fantasies. But, since my heart-felt views fall under the heading of "Religious right," or "social conservative" or "Evangelical," the latest offering doesn't quite appeal to me. Nevertheless, I wish Roseanne and cast much success.
By the way; I just recently viewed a wonderful, short documentary titled "I lived on Parker Avenue." A heart-warming true story of abortion...with a happy ending. Grab a warm beverage and a tissue.