Saturday, October 27, 2018

Christians and Secular Universities

Higher Education 
(by R.P.Edwards)

Higher Education
Higher, in what way?
Higher in academics?
Higher tenured pay?
Higher intellectuals?
Noted PhDs?
Higher in tuition?
Higher in their fees?
Higher in their trophies?
From sports and other teams?
Higher in their Rhetoric?
Higher in their dreams?
Methinks the list
Goes on and on
The Higher traits of "these"
How sad they miss
The highest place
Found only on
Their knees

I've wavered back and forth as to if I should act out (write) yet again concerning the much thought of, but mentioned not so much, fact that "Higher Education"--those institutions (some Ivy encrusted) that are supposed to be the "authority" on what should be the obvious morality of the masses--is (are) nothing more than barbarians with a brain. 

Yes, yes, an oversimplification; perhaps an unfair analysis and generalization of a broad host of "schools," some (a small number) of which are probably the exact opposite of my supposition. BUT, without debate, colleges and Universities have changed much over the years and my question to people (parents in particular) of faith is; "Why do you support these Godless campuses?" Yes, with society's University-inspired decay obvious to the born again eye (and "yes," we ARE to be missionaries) the question should perhaps be phrased; "Why, unless positively God-directed, would you send your child to be tutored by those who not only hate the Savior; but who actually delight in causing the tender believer to doubt and stumble?"

AND, along these same lines and for goodness sake!; certainly don't support and subsidize the damnable with your dollars!

The above poem was borrowed from an earlier blog, thus: Down on Brown.


Monday, October 8, 2018

The Caning of Brett Kavanaugh

 The Root
(by R.P.Edwards)

A different outfit
A different face
A different time
A different place
Different players
But the plot the same
"Destroy His children!
Defile His name!"

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness
(Isaiah 5:20)

It was May of 1856 and a Senator from New England, a staunch abolitionist by the name of Charles Sumner, had greatly perturbed the slavery-loving South by delivering a speech that not only denounced the Kansas-Nebraska Act, but it also disparaged its authors. A relative of one of the creators, a Representative from South Carolina by the name of Preston Brooks, took offense and thought satisfaction could be achieved by ambushing, and beating nearly to death in the Senate Chamber, Charles Sumner. The incident came to mind upon seeing the treatment of Brett Kavanaugh by Senators opposed to his placement on the Highest Court.

First; the above poem does NOT refer to the treatment of Judge (Now Supreme Court Justice) Kavanaugh. No, it is a reminder that there IS evil, and that there is an author of it AND, if not careful, human minds, and hands, and mouths can be used in his bidding.

Simply put: it's all about abortion; it's all about the murder of innocent human life; it's all about the lusting ancient desire that ever resists, and chafes, and violently rebels against the divine Being that loves even the least of these. It was slavery then; it is infanticide now.

And yes, although there is, no doubt, sincerity and justification by those who unwittingly do his work; and though they may find solace and support from the cluckings of academia or the utterings of  some ecumenical apostates, or the accolades of the many like-minded, they, dear reader, have, on this most important issue--make no mistake--called evil good, and good evil.

The conclusion: Sometimes, amidst the many concerns that plague us all; the many areas that ever draw our attention and energies--even causing us to temporarily focus our desire towards those who promise something new--sometimes, for the sake of the nation's very existence, there is a single issue that MUST take precedence. Slavery, long years ago, was such an issue. Abortion, now, has taken its place. So, let those of us who know the difference; let us continue to pray for the offenders (for they are NOT our enemy) AND, by all means, let us be sure to NEVER vote them into a place of greater influence. 

Please watch...



Monday, September 3, 2018


(By R.P.Edwards)

I was beaten down, mute, and weak
Then a brother came to help me speak
A sister gave a lifting hand
Then others joined, to help me stand
At last the oppressor made his run
To finish the job he had begun
He thought only "I" would field his blows
But instead, he found a Union...
Standing toe to toe

  King Rehoboam talked it over with the elders who had advised his father when he was alive: “What’s your counsel? How do you suggest that I answer the people?”
They said, “If you will be a servant to this people, be considerate of their needs and respond with compassion, work things out with them, they’ll end up doing anything for you.”
8-9 But he rejected the counsel of the elders...
(1 Kings 12:6-9)

The context of the above scripture: King Solomon had died. Before his exit, however, he had loaded the people down with oppressive taxes and burdens. They wanted some relief. His heir, Rehoboam, asked his father's counselors what to do. They advised compassion. He, instead, listened to his arrogant friends, and the kingdom was subsequently divided.

Of course, there's more to the story, but it came to mind upon hearing of the offer from the "rulers" in Pittsburgh who have answered the USW's (United Steelworkers) request for a fair contract with something that is ridiculous, insulting, and unthinkable. I have no doubt that if the offer is unchanged the "people" (workers) will strike and the kingdom of U.S.Steel will be divided (for a time, anyway).

I'll not over-expound, but I would like to express my amazement and curiosity at these recent events.

Amazement: it was but a short time ago when we had a presidential visit where said chief executive highlighted how the steel industry has come back to life. Indeed, the facility where I work was, not long before, on life-support and now (then) grateful returning steelworkers were once again bringing home a living wage. The community rejoiced. Workers rejoiced. And it appeared that the leaders of the industry also rejoiced, and oh, it would have been such a simple thing to add to the "feel good" future of labor and management by the acceptance of a contract that mirrored the last one, with just a slight sweetening of a long overdue pay raise. 

But, instead of the no-brainer decision (especially given the profit margin of the players) there now seems to be an attempt by the company(s) to punish, break, and irreparably wound and weaken current workers, new-hires, and even retirees. Perhaps such rhetoric is (was) supposed to cause fear, resulting in submission. But, instead it has galvanized the many to stand in opposition. And, sadly, what was an environment that was ripe to birth a new partnership based on mutual respect and a common goal, it is now quickly devolving (at least on labor's part) to an atmosphere of toxic suspicion and even abject hatred.

And now, curiosity: Given that the last contract--when things were bleak and the future uncertain--given that even THAT agreement had elements of compassion (and we were, quite frankly, glad to get it!) I truly wonder what has happened since then to cause such an odious offering to be produced this go round? Is it new upper management? Outside consulting? I don't know. But I DO know that the battle-lines are being drawn, and that the hearts and will of the many are being steeled in order to fight for our families and future. How sad, it all could have been so easily avoided.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Trump Rally, Granite City

Dental Detour
(by R.P.Edwards)

In-between smiles
Teeth gone awry
Surgeon and suture 
And grown men don't cry
The calendar carve-out
From work I abstain
The plus side of painful
I got on the train

The first one, an ancient remnant of a molar, came out with ease. The next, a beloved canine, took a violent exorcism. "Bite on the gauze for two hours," was the followed instructions. Then, once the grizzly abosorber was removed, I went to see Trump; President Donald J. Trump, that is.

Funny how little unexpected detours get us places. I had no idea of the President's precise visitation to the Steel Mill in Granite City when the dental appointment was made. Aside from the tooth trauma I surely would have worked that day and as a consequence missed much.

The process: first I had to request admittance (RSVP) via e-mail. Once approved I showed up in the nearby parking lot. My name was checked twice before boarding a sizable bus (the Coach variety; very nice) for the 1/4 mile ride to the drop-off point. From there it was the metal detector and then a short walk to the Rally venue.  A converted storage area, it now housed two sets of bleachers, some folding chairs, the slightly raised dais, and opposite this the place for the myriad of professional president watchers. Due to my lateness (the gauze thing) I found an obscure place to stand and lean. It would be four hours. 

The atmosphere: celebratory. Many of my fellow steelworkers had seen two or more years apart from this place. Many had, understandably, lost much materially. But, with the ongoing limbo status of the mostly idled and deteriorating steel mill, many had lost much in the soulish region as well: peace, pride, hope. And then, a non-politician, a savvy business man with big dreams and big promises was elected. His name was Donald Trump, and one of those promises he made was to the nation's steelworkers. 

When the President finally arrived (he was a tad behind schedule) there was no sitting down (and for me, no sight). ALL stood and relished the lengthy remarks. Arguably, much of what he said was familiar, and even though the words were tailored for this particular audience, ours was a devoted ear to an important individual who exuded an actual "caring" for the likes of we. Understand, his caring was not the usual "I feel your pain" political rhetoric. No, his campaign promises had preceded real action, and his actions subsequently touched our individual lives, and now his feet (incredibly! But so like him) had purposely found their way to our humble front porch.

Along with the president's remarks, Ivanka shared some thoughts. Also, US Steel, management and non, sweetened the celebration with their testimonies. And was over. There was a quick egress as the closing music faded and the buses filled. And, although I had a sore reminder of something lost earlier that day, I also had a fullness of heart from something gained.

Here's a perhaps last replay of a pro-Trump song written and sung by a then laid off steelworker. Perhaps a version of "Keep America Great" will be added to the many currently under construction. 




Sunday, July 1, 2018

It's So Obvious

It's So Obvious
(Lyrics by R.P.Edwards)

They eat babies for breakfast
Babies for lunch
On Sunday at noon
They eat babies for brunch
But now for immigrant children
They march and they cry
But for unborn children
They make sure that they die
And it's not too hard
To answer the "why?"
They treat us like we're a chump
They're just trying to hurt Trump
They can't stand Donald Trump
They just hate Donald Trump

"Families belong together," that was the theme of the many marches that were staged throughout the USA on June 30 in response to some law-breaking parents that crossed the border with minors in tow, who were subsequently separated from the darlings for a time.

I get it. It's not a pretty picture. Traumatic for the tots, no doubt. AND,  it doesn't matter that the elders knowingly transported their young'uns into illegality; we, a compassionate folk, need to care for the kids and keep these families together.

However, I don't believe for a minute that the many left-leaners--these who positively love the notion of violently disposing of inconvenient children (Abortion is oh so violent)--I don't believe the vast majority of these street gatherers have the children in mind. No, it's so obvious (poem and song title) that they just hate all things Trump. AND, since everything else they've tried hasn't worked, they may even believe this passion play will sway the masses. Not gonna happen.

However, in closing, if these "No Trump and No border" folk are truly sincere, then let their concern for the "youth" begin in the womb. 

I didn't think so.

Following is a brief (thankfully) musical commentary by the Fake Trio (me X three).



Saturday, June 2, 2018

Northern Ireland, STAND!

Northern Ireland, STAND!
(by R.P.Edwards)

Northern Ireland
Make your stand
Your neighbors, all
Choose sin
They murder children
In the womb
Their own demise
So, be that lighthouse!
Be that Rock!
Defender of the few
And as your neighbors
Slip towards hell
Perhaps they'll turn
To you

When we Americans think "Ireland" (speaking, of course, of only those Americans who think like me), we think of the large jagged Island just to the left of England. If we think a little deeper (which we sometimes do) we skip past the cursory thoughts associated with the place (the color green, the pint of Guinness, leprechauns, the Blarney stone) and realize that there are actually two entities on said island: The Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland. The former, a short time ago, by majority vote, repealed an amendment that protected children in the womb. In other words: the door is now open for abortion, or, as God calls it...murder.  The latter, Northern Ireland, now stands alone in that region in the defense of the innocent unborn. But, predictably, this island within an island is now in the cross-hairs of the ever ravenous God-haters; otherwise known as progressives. 

So, as we in the United States slowly come to the realization that human life in the womb is worth protecting and are incrementally working to neutralize the poison unleashed by an overreaching judiciary; it seems on the other side of the pond there are whole majorities gleefully rushing into error and the unpleasant (though presently unseen) consequences that must result. It is my hope, and prayer, therefore, that the people of Northern Ireland stand firm against the unholy tide that is rising against them.

Again, MY position is merely an extension of my sincere, Bible believing, Christian faith. AND, it truly grieves me that the land (Great Britain) that produced so many Christian champions--heroes of the Church that risked so much to spread the gospel to this continent--it grieves me that the "defender of the faith" is now slipping ever deeper into apostasy. 

But...there is hope.



Saturday, May 26, 2018

Et tu, Ireland?

Et tu, Ireland?
(by R.P.Edwards)

I grieve for Ireland
The Emerald Isle
Forsaking St Patrick's way
Believing death
Will add to life
They'll find
There's Hell to pay

The State acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate that right.

In the news, the people of Ireland have spoken and voted to overturn the 8th amendment to their constitution (given above). Yes, the simple and fundamental belief and acknowledgement that the human life in the womb has value...has been abandoned. Indeed, the Christian premise and practice of Ireland's near past has been exchanged for the more paganesque values of the pre-Christian era. Today we call it "progressive" or "liberal"; but the vile fruit is always the same...infanticide.

But, since I live in a land that has allowed more than 60 million of our heritage to be murdered, who am I to point out the speck in my brother's eye? In fact, this very day I have come from an abortuary where our ghoulish practices go on unhindered. Adding to the insult, I had to pass rows of American flags which festoon our main causeway as "Memorial Day" weekend is upon us. The insult comes with the knowledge that most of the honored dead had no idea that their freedom price (their lives) would buy the God-haters greater sway. And, if we have any excuse at all, it is in that our "decision" was due to an overreaching Judiciary, not a popular vote.

So, to Ireland, I applaud your use of the democratic process. However, I mourn for the death (near) of your Christian culture, and of course, for the babies that will soon join ours in the eternal. It seems that we, and thee, have both given God an ultimatum. Let's see how He responds.


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Tender Tyranny

Tender Tyranny
(by R.P.Edwards)

Tender Tyrants 
Modern swill
Bending binders
Curse and kill
Hating heroes
Loving shame
An ancient evil
A different name

I found it somewhat inspirational, certainly historic; the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, addressing a joint session of Congress. Of course the name, Lafayette (beloved French aristocrat who added his devotion to our Revolution) was mentioned. But another name, one I had never heard before, had greater weight...Jack Ewald.

Robert "Jack" Ewald, in the gallery (I suppose; the camera didn't turn that way) is a veteran of the Second World War and, in particular, one of the D-Day liberators. Yes, one of those fresh faced American G.I's who stepped on French soil, willing to have his blood shed in the cause AGAINST tyranny, and FOR freedom. It was only right for the mention. More than right.

However, with the look back came a reminder of simply how far we have drifted from the days of the "Good War." Yes, whether it be the government funded abortuary down the street or the government sanctioned death of the UK infant, Alfie Evans, or the continuous and constant twisting and defiling of the mores and morals that once defined and determined us; evil, tyranny, is among us still and, madam, is growing.

My heart felt thanks to Jack Ewald for his service. Following is a song written as a tribute to that generation. Oh, how we need another.



Saturday, April 21, 2018

Illinois: A Slave State

Illinois: A slave state
(by R.P.Edwards)

Once a FREE state
Now no more
As Abraham decays
For Bruce has said
Abe Lincoln's dead
And Children 

Back from our local abortion clinic. The parking lot was full (not unusual). What WAS unusual was that it had accommodated the many well BEFORE the regular opening time. Why? I suppose the pro-aborts may have learned of a coming group that would fill the sidewalks with God representatives. Sooo, they changed the starting time.

Evil is often clever.

Now, the update: as mentioned in a previous post, our Governor Rauner, with purpose and resolve, signed the bill that forced ME and my fellow Illinois citizens to help pay for abortions. Since the deed became law four months ago the local abortuary has gone from being open 3 days a 5! And, when a couple of out of state participants (who weren't very far along [late terms ARE done here]) were asked why they didn't get the abortion locally; they in essence responded: "Because in Illinois it doesn't cost me anything."

Yes, Illinois, the Land of Lincoln, has gone from being a FREE state--championing the dignity of each human life--to a SLAVE state. However, rather than skin color being the prerequisite (although African Americans are disproportionately slaughtered here) in this case the unborn are the chattel, the possession...the slave. 

I haven't been to Lincoln's tomb in a while (located in Springfield). I wonder if there's a rumbling in the vault?


Saturday, April 14, 2018

London RIP?

The Cycle
(by R.P.Edwards)

Ebb and flow
The nations go
Towards God
And then away
And with the sin
The pains begin
Till broken hearts
Must pray

Righteousness exalts a nation,
But sin is a reproach to any people.
(Proverbs 14:34 KJV)

For those in the know it was a "wow" kind of thing; the learning that the powers that be in London Town have passed an ordinance preventing pro-life intercessors close-access to those whose minds are set on ridding their lives of the inconvenience of another "made in God's image" human, i.e. abortion. These sidewalk Christian folk have the simple goals of helping the mother and keeping the baby alive. "Wow" comes in because the authorities have, without knowing it (obviously), put their collective fingers in the eye of the Almighty. 

Apostasy is nothing new. The human heart (less Christ) is by nature fallen, degenerate, twisted, prone to sin. AND, since there are evil forces about, the idea that godless (not a put-down; its what they are) leaders would naturally LEAD those they represent into gross error, well, it's not surprising. But, I suppose the reason it caught this mid-American's attention is the location...London. 

You see, I, like many, have ties to the land of Dickens. Grandfather on my Dad's side emigrated from the UK early in the last century. But more than that I have an affection and affinity for my Christian ancestors as well. Yes, names like Wesley (both brothers), Whitefield, Newton, Wilberforce, Booth and Wigglesworth all have a special place in this writer's heart and it truly saddens me to see the land that birthed these giants has chosen to abandon their God. But, knowing that individuals (and by extension, nations) cannot inherit salvation, I'm hoping that revival fires will, once again, burn hot in the British Isles and, of course, the U.S. (let's throw in Canada while we're at it).

Concerning the photo: A scene at the local abortion clinic the morning of this entry. Pictured, a well-versed and compassionate intercessor offering help. 




Saturday, March 31, 2018

Roseanne and me

(by R.P.Edwards)

Critics disarmed
In toxic times
She cries

Yes, I was one of the 18 (and counting!) million who viewed Roseanne Barr's much heralded and anticipated foray into the world of prime time comedy (once again). And why? Because of her character's support (reflecting her own) of Hollywood's archenemy, President Donald Trump. You see, since I too am a fan of #POTUS, I thought it was worth a look. And it was.

I must admit, for the most part I enjoyed the low-brow lunacy that swirled around the blue-collar Conners family as old and new acquaintances were (and are) mixed together with the caustic and charming catalyst that is Rosanne Barr.  Funny stuff.

HOWEVER, since I am not a "vote your wallet" conservative, I'll probably pass next time. And here's why: Although there was playful banter around the edges of some points of contention (2nd Amendment, economy, etc) when it came to the area of abortion there was a clear consensus that the innocent unborn have no voice. AND, to a lesser extent and holding to the left's love affair with gender fluidity, there's a young grandson on the show who loves wearing feminine attire on his "brave" journey to who knows where. I mean really, c'mon.

Anyway, I appreciate the nod to the suffering middle class that thought "Trump" was worth a try in this last election. AND I appreciate the poke in the eye to the lofty elites who hate all things red and consider "fly over" folk as merely fodder for their fantasies. But, since my heart-felt views fall under the heading of  "Religious right," or "social conservative" or "Evangelical," the latest offering doesn't quite appeal to me. Nevertheless, I wish Roseanne and cast much success. 

By the way; I just recently viewed a wonderful, short documentary titled "I  lived on Parker Avenue." A heart-warming true story of abortion...with a happy ending. Grab a warm beverage and a tissue.



Saturday, March 24, 2018

Bruce Rauner and Presumption

Hope Abortion Mill

(by R.P.Edwards)

Presumption is
A dangerous thing
Based on "You"
But others, sir
Are "others," sir
They'll do
What "they" will do

Abigail was a tolerant wife. She knew, coming into this marriage, that "Bruce" was not perfect, but he certainly was more of what she was looking for than the other choices available. And so, they donned their marrying finery, said their vows, kissed, and married bliss ensued. Well, not really bliss, but imperfect Bruce at least made attempts at the union, and Abby appreciated that. However--and this is a BIG however--Bruce, when it came to the children; he simply, purposely, willingly broke his sacred vow to her that he would protect them. And so, with tears and determination, divorce proceedings began.


I spent a small part of my morning--a dreary, cold, "I'd rather be home in bed" morning--standing outside an abortion clinic in southern Illinois. Business has been brisk of late and, part of the reason has to do with Governor Rauner's decision to force every Land of Lincoln taxpayer to help fund abortion; or as God calls it--murder.

Well, this last week we (voters) had a chance to remove said governor from the November ticket and place, instead, someone who understands that human life--ALL human life--has value. Yes, I cast my ballot for, prayed for, put a sign in my yard for, the honorable Jeanne Ives. But, she didn't quite make it.

And now to "presumption." Rather than going into the dreary subject of campaign chicanery, let's just jump to the part where the victorious backers of Gov. Rauner assume that now that the nasty little primary is over the wayward elephant followers will naturally coalesce around "the" candidate. And, perhaps if it was just about bloated budgets, and other money mismanagement, I might. BUT, since it's about a "God issue" (just as slavery was a God issue) I certainly will not.

Oh, I know some cringe and convulse at such simple reasoning. But, lady, sir, there ARE some issues that transcend all others. Slavery was one, infanticide another. AND, since Hell is our chosen destination, the quicker we get there the better. Perhaps then, when the bottom is reached, a looking up will occur.

Of course, being a believer in the Republic, I WILL be voting this coming November. There will be local issues and Representatives and judges to attend to. But when it comes to the office of Governor, Bruce Rauner WILL NOT get my vote. Nor, for that matter, will the democrat.


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Tariffs: A Steelworker's Thoughts

(by R.P.Edwards)

Common sense
In short supply
Depend on THEM
And then you die
They'll hold the keys
To wealth and bread
And at THEIR whim
WE'LL end up DEAD
But go ahead
And whine and bray
Perhaps your tears
Will win the day
And the future's coming
Of the NEED
Will only make
YOUR children bleed

I suppose I should weigh in on the whole "Steel and Aluminum tariff" thing. Especially since I'm a steelworker (soon to be retired) and the MILL I sweat at has been in the news (yeah, that place the President mentioned, as in "500" more).

Anyway, I suppose I get the "fear" angle; where prices might go up a bit because steel might be a little more costly. BUT, national security really is an issue. I mean, c'mon! Do you (the collective "you") honestly think the arsenal of democracy can be reliably rolled off a freighter when fleets are sunk and all hell breaks loose everywhere else! It's nuts! And, since I have a bit of familiarity with the process, may I gently remind that this kind of production can't be turned on overnight. It takes planning and purpose and knowledgeable personnel.

AND, it's not like steel manufacturers have been greedy Gus's and they willingly priced themselves out of business. No, it's as simple and tragic as this: foreign entities produced and subsidized the product so that it could be DUMPED on our shores for less than the cost of manufacture. How can you compete with that? You can't. Sooo, we're simply asking for a level playing field. Whether it be through tariffs or some other rational and fair remedy. 

BUT, if the naysayers prevail (and they very well might,) let's see, when it comes time to make needful stuff out of a nonexistent supply; let's see if plump portfolios can be a suitable substitute. 


Monday, January 22, 2018


(by R.P.Edwards)

Aspiring to godhood
Men oft do
But then they die
And discover 

It's the 45th anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. Seven mere men overruled God and passed judgment on human life in the womb. Yes, these clever mortals had an "end" to come to and, by golly, they got there. Who cares that the constitution is silent on the matter? Who cares that judges are supposed to "judge" law and not make it? The decision was made and the babies died, and CONTINUE to die, to the tune of over 60 million at this writing. Yes, they aspired to godhood and, I suppose it only took a millisecond beyond the veil to discover their error.

Not much to add to the volumes that have been written on the subject but I would, for a brief moment, offer a sincere thanks to President Trump who matches rhetoric with deeds. Yes, from a conservative justice appointed to the Supreme Court (as in: one who actually uses the constitution) to the ending of the abominable Mexico City policy (funding for abortions abroad), the #POTUS is a "doer." AND, perhaps if the pulpits catch up and spread the truth around; perhaps a heavenly judgment can be forestalled.

Here's a little video about the sometime Kings. It's supposed to be funny. Not feeling it at the moment.