Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Gift of Trump

(by R.P.Edwards)

Gifts oft given
Daily bread
Let us
So grateful be
For breath
And beat
And bondings sweet
All good gifts
From Thee

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
(James 1:17 KJV)

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, 
be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, 
so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.
(1 Timothy 2:1 NASB) 

Not yet Christmas day. A light dusting of snow has provided a "white" Christmas which, I suppose, provides an inner uptick; though long ago the cold stuff morphed from being a conscious tie to pleasure into merely a deterrent to adult goings. AND, even though the exuberant joy associated with tots and toys on this holiday is now once removed (i.e. grandkids) I will rouse myself on this cold Noel eve to be thankful, truly thankful for the greatest gift, and by extension...for others.

First of all, the Christ child. God with us. Emmanuel. Simply amazing; astounding. The great love of the Creator that birthed the solution to our utter helplessness by actually becoming a part of His creation. Of course, the completion is celebrated on Easter morn, but it starts (as in materially manifested) on Christmas day. AND this Savior, Redeemer, Prince of Peace--this Jesus--is never too far from my thoughts; and as I said...I am truly thankful.

And now, the other gifts. There are many; from those held with the hand, to those held with the heart. And, although I suppose I could make a list of the "things" I am thankful for (and probably should, on my own time) I would like to highlight here "one" gift that I recognize as God given; one gift that truly has been beneficial and has the potential to be even more so...President Donald Trump.

Yes, I know there are many who might have an issue with such an association, BUT, when I look at how the President has unshackled the Clergy so that they might boldly proclaim from the pulpit ALL truth without the threat of Government interference or penalty; when I see how the President has unabashedly supported Israel and has thereby invited God's sure blessing (I will bless those who bless you); AND when I see how President Trump has refused to kowtow to those who would rewrite our Judeo Christian heritage to suit their own godless progressive ends; well, I recognize the gift AND the giver.

And so, as the time of the reveal quickly approaches (as in presents) let us pause and recognize the deeper things. And, as many as will, let us continue to pray for this nation and its leaders--especially President Donald Trump--that we, with God's most necessary help, would be a gift to the world.

Merry Christmas!




Sunday, December 3, 2017

Free will?


The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together
against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder,
and cast their cords away from us.
(Psalm 2:2,3 KJV)

The setting: outside the Hope Clinic for Women in Granite City, IL, December 2, 2017. As usual there are many streaming in for a liberating abortion (including late term). Yes, a life-ending ritual that frees men from paying child support and women from a notable detour and distraction; be it a life-long obligation or a nine-month till adoption inconvenience.

In they come; many from neighboring Missouri where legislators have placed speed bumps in the path of the abortion minded to cause a pause that might result in less loss of life. Illinois, the Land of Lincoln, gives the unborn no such consideration. So the Mississippi river is crossed...and the babies die.

Also, as usual, there are a few intercessors on the sidewalk pleading on behalf of the innocent. Some are artful, articulate; others, not so much. But they are passionate all and, on occasion, a baby lives.

On this day, however, what WAS a bit unusual was a momentary tirade by a passerby (I presume coming from the nearby hospital) who had had enough of the harassment (her view) of the women who were merely executing their rights. This middle-aged ordained minister (so she claimed) began chanting, "Free will! Free will! Free will!" Doing her part to dull the message of life, and expedite the means and method...of death.

So, what's the purpose of this post? Just an extended sigh; a weary and worn despair that sees evil and apostasy on the rise, all with the aid of the "let us break their bands" judiciary, and the malaise of the light-bearer that should be the church. Yes, there is great evil here but, as with slavery, only half seem to see it. 

I pray for an awakening.
