Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Need not apply

Same old, same old*
(by R.P.Edwards) 

Evil then
And evil now
Just a different face
The devil's way
To have his say
Destroy the human race

Recently the DNC Chair, Tom Perez, has come out and said that if you are pro-life you are not welcome in the Democratic Party. Although the standard code-words, such as "choice" and "health care," were used in the explanation, what the good gentleman has clearly conveyed is that if someone is a person of faith or simply an individual who wants to grant the unborn the measure of a reasonable doubt as to their are not welcome in the party of Jefferson. And, as bad as that sounds, adding to this offense were those who quickly voiced their "amen" to this apostasy by saying,  "I'm personally against abortion, but I don't want to impose my beliefs upon others." Well, let's substitute the words "murder" or "slavery" for "abortion" and see if that logic holds.

You see, there are some issues that are more important than the all important "me," and certainly more important than Party; issues that will define a nation and determine its course and end. And, as it stands now, it appears the DNC has issued a challenge to the Almighty Himself. Let's see how He responds.

Oh, how I miss the days when the Democratic Party had participants like Representative Jerry Costello, who somehow held to traditional values and still conducted the business of the left. Sadly, those days are gone.

*PS, Oh my, it's always a good idea to reread one's work, but that should include any photos attached. The beginning poem (my shtick) mentions the devil, but I DID NOT mean to imply that Mr Perez was the personification of said being. However the practice of murdering the innocent smacks of Hell. No apology there.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Congratulations Justice Gorsuch!

Say again?
(by R.P.Edwards)

"So help me, God"
Seems rather odd
When swearing into place
For courts decreed
We have no need
Of God's amazing grace

Happened across the "swearing in" ceremony of our new associate justice of the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch. I paused to take it in. 

Yes, important. Yes, far reaching. Yes, a victory for those of us who think the U.S. Constitution is not silly putty to be manipulated by the unelected. 

But, I must admit, I found it a bit amusing that the very institution that has done more to de-God our society (to our collective ill) still invokes the Almighty's name (with hand on Bible, no less) when soliciting an oath to fidelity. Yes, the ones (albeit former mostly) who equate even the smallest of federal contributions as grounds to secularize those infected; these, for some reason, bother to put a degree of weight on the custom that many with black robes abhor.

But, it was a nice diversion. AND, I believe the newest associate DOES indeed ascribe to the meaning behind the words. AND, perhaps with a few more like-minded appointments the horrendous damage already done...can be undone.

Here's a song for the occasion:
