Monday, September 26, 2022

Master of the Sea, we look to you






(by R.P.Edwards)
Integrity in short supply
Though winds and waves bombard
Though "ease" and "grace"
Speak face to face
And whisper, "It's too hard."
Though "others" bend
Yet do not end
And excuses rise and fall
Integrity will stay the course
Having surrendered simply...all. 

I have an older brother, Bill, who, from my memories of him (post Christ) is steeped in...integrity. One area of his resolve was his long waiting for a mate. No compromise. No squishy Christian relativism. But a determined "holding on" to the mighty Savior and His faithfulness. It took a while but--years in the making--a wonderful, godly woman became his wife. They have been blessed with three "mighty in God" offspring. 

Well, there was a suggestion that perhaps a "song" about these dynamic two could be made. It was a lighthearted aside...but I think the Lord thought otherwise. Thus, with God's help and to His glory the above song was made. I hope it is a blessing to them...and others. Thanks for viewing. 


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